Calculation of Percent Complete and Estimated Hours Remaining

Applies to QAComplete 12.80 On-Premises, last modified on September 09, 2021

The tables that relate to agile tasks, requirements and defects have columns for estimated start and end dates, actual start and end dates, estimated hours, actual hours, estimated hours remaining, and percent complete.

When an item is assigned to a team member, users can use the hours and dates fields to track time worked on the assignment. The assignee can post hours worked against the assigned item.

When posting hours, the team member enters the date worked, hours worked that day, and either the percent complete or estimated remaining hours. The system calculates the missing information and updates the item accordingly.

If posting actual worked hours and percentage complete, the system calculates a new amount of estimated remaining hours:

EstHrsRemaining = EstHrs * (1 - (PctComplete/100))

If posting actual worked hours and remaining hours, the system calculates the percentage complete:

  • If the amount of the remaining hours and the actual worked hours is less than the original amount of estimated remaining hours:

    PctComplete = (EstHrs - EstHrsRemaining) / EstHrs
  • If the amount of the remaining hours and the actual worked hours is greater than the original amount of estimated remaining hours:

    PctComplete = ActHrs / (EstHrsRemaining + ActHrs)

If you override this information by directly editing the item, the system does not perform the calculation. Calculating estimated hours remaining and percent complete only happen when using Post My Hours. All changes are recorded in the history of the item.

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