Workhours Table

Applies to QAComplete 12.13 On-Premises, last modified on April 22, 2021


When posting hours worked on an item, information on the item, the number of hours spent and the date of work are stored in the Workhours table. This information can be used by the application to calculate percent complete and estimated completion dates.


The table contains the following columns:

WorkHoursId  :  int, primary key, allows null: no

The unique numeric identifier of the item.

DateUpdated  :  datetime, allows null: no

The date and time when the item was updated.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

DateWorked  :  datetime, allows null: no

The date of work the item contains.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

Description  :  varchar (max 500 chars), allows null: yes

The description of the post.

This column corresponds to a field that can be available for rich editing.

EntityCode  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: no

The entity code of the related item.

You can find correspondences between entity code values and related modules and features in Table of Entity Code Values.

FKId  :  int, allows null: no

The ID of the related item.

HrsWorked  :  decimal (max 18 decimal digits), allows null: no

The number of posted work hours the item contains.

UpdateUserId  :  int, allows null: no

The ID of the user who updated the item.

UserId  :  int, allows null: no, default: 0

The ID of the user who worked the hours.

See Also

Workhours View

Highlight search results