Features Added to QAComplete 12.32, Oct 2019

Applies to QAComplete 14.1 SaaS, last modified on June 20, 2024

SaaS 12.32

  • A new UI for the Test Schedules screen.

  • On the Dashboard screen, you can now add a new diagram, Test Run Trends, to see how the number of passed, failed and running tests changes over time.

  • The Test field of the Create Test and Edit Test forms on the Steps tab has a new search box to help you find a test quickly.

  • The Create Requirement and Edit Requirement forms have a new check box, Active Requirement, that you can use to mark a requirement as active.

  • The Test Runner screen has a new field, Actual Result Files, that shows the number of test files with actual test results. By default, the field is hidden. To make it visible, use the Choose Fields dialog.

  • A number of bugs reported by our customers have been fixed.

See Also

Bug Fixes in QAComplete 12.32 - Oct 11, 2019
Version History

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