Bug Fixes in QAComplete 11.7 - Build 11.7.1170 - February 4, 2018

Applies to QAComplete 14.1 SaaS, last modified on June 20, 2024
Id Functional Area Summary
QAC-8145 Agile Tasks Fixed: In some cases, wrong values appeared in CSV file fields after an import.
QAC-7507 Dashboards Improvement: Color enhancements for the Tests by Last Run Statuses dashboard.
QAC-7874 Dashboards Fixed: Some Trending dashboards were always displaying data starting from the previous day, even if there were relevant items with an earlier date present in the project.
QAC-8105 Defects Fixed: The length of the Functional Area field in the new UI was shorter than in the old UI.
QAC-1823 Defects
Fixed: When a user had deleted a folder, a record describing this action did not appear on the History tab of the Edit form for items located in the folder.
QAC-7025 Defects
Fixed: If the 3-column layout had been enabled for the Add or Edit form, the extended formatting options disappeared from the UI.
QAC-7092 Defects
Improvement: A warning appears if the name of the file attached to the defect or requirement contains invalid characters.
QAC-7285 Defects
Fixed: On the Send Email form available from the Edit form, the link leading back to the form was erroneously named Return to Listing.
QAC-7758 Defects
Fixed: If a user had selected a specific folder in the Folder drop-down list and then had refreshed the page, the selected folder was not highlighted, and the full path to the folder was hidden.
QAC-7809 Defects
Fixed: If a user sorts an item list by clicking the column header and then clicks another header to sort the list once again, the items are now sorted by the latter criteria only.
QAC-7870 Defects
Fixed: In some cases, an error message appeared if a user had tried to delete a folder.
QAC-7898 Defects
Fixed: In Chrome, if the QAComplete web page had been zoomed in or out, it was impossible to change the size of columns on the item list screen.
QAC-7928 Defect
Fixed: An error message appeared if a user had tried to create a filter using the Folder Name criteria.
QAC-7955 Defects
Fixed: In the Link to Item dialog, agile tasks could not be filtered by a specific folder.
QAC-8008 Defects
Fixed: The Assigned To field on the item list screen and Edit form contained different values.
QAC-8033 Defects
Fixed: Performance issues occurred with the quick search and item updating when a huge number of items were present in the QAComplete instance.
QAC-8036 Defects
Fixed: In some cases, values of the Date Created and Opened By fields included different user accounts.
QAC-8175 Defects
Fixed: Wrong user profiles appeared in the Updated By fields for notes.
QAC-8177 Defects
Fixed: The GET request was sent twice when a user was trying to open the Edit form for any item.
QAC-8214 Defects
Fixed: In some cases, when a user had edited an item, the value of the LastUserActivity field in the QAComplete database did not change.
QAC-8247 Defects
Fixed: When a user had modified an item and then opened the Send Email form without saving, the applied changes were not saved.
QAC-8299 Defects
Fixed: The maximum allowed number of characters in the Rich Text fields is increased.
QAC-8308 Defects
Fixed: The Latest Note field on the Edit form did not allow editing the note immediately if the QAComplete server had low performance.
QAC-8395 Defects
Fixed: It was impossible to specify an item by its ID in the Link to Item dialog.
QAC-8436 Defects
Fixed: In Chrome, an error message appeared when a user was trying to download an attachment the name of which was containing the comma character.
QAC-2247 Emails Improvement: In the SaaS version of QAComplete, all the emails that users send using the QAComplete internal means will now have a static FROM email address: [email protected],
QAC-8313 Emails Fixed: An error occurred if a user was trying to access QAComplete items using the Take Me There link in the email alert while not logged in.
QAC-7852 Fast Edit Improvement: Better text for the warning message that appears when a user tries to delete a test set that has any run history or tests included using the Fast Edit feature.
QAC-8400 Fast Edit Fixed: The Update a phrase in multiple items option was not working for tests that had fields including the double spaces in their values.
QAC-7745 JIRA integration Fixed: In some cases, after a user had changed the status of a requirement in QAComplete and the change had been applied to a JIRA issue, the changes consequently applied to the item directly in JIRA were not properly synchronized with QAComplete.
QAC-7760 JIRA integration Fixed: In some cases, values from JIRA fields containing Rich Text were imported to QAComplete incorrectly.
QAC-7767 JIRA integration Fixed: Sometimes, if a user had mapped a JIRA field with JIRA user info to a QAComplete choice list, an error occurred during the synchronization.
QAC-7889 JIRA integration Fixed: Performance issues on the  > Integration screen.
QAC-7964 JIRA integration Improvement: Custom QAComplete fields containing user info are now supported for synchronization.
QAC-8080 JIRA integration Fixed: While synchronizing the Rich Text fields from JIRA to QAComplete, the strikethrough formatting (if present) was erroneously applied to more characters than in the original item.
QAC-8199 JIRA integration Fixed: In some cases, values of the LookupArray fields were not refreshed during the synchronization.
QAC-8022 On-Premises Fixed: If a user had manually changed the registry keys for the database connection string and then run the upgrade executable, an error occurred during the SQL update.
QAC-8070 On-Premises Fixed: The ODBC data source name was erroneously reset to default while a user was performing the QAComplete instance upgrade.
QAC-8072 On-Premises         Fixed: The FEDir registry entries were erroneously reset to defaults while a user was performing the QAComplete instance upgrade.
QAC-8305 On-Premises Fixed: The check for an SQL native client during the QAComplete installation was successful only if the 32-bit version had been installed. Now, it supports the 64-bit version, as well.
QAC-7871 Overall improvements and fixes Fixed: Performance issues occurred if a user was trying to update an item that had an extensive history of changes.
QAC-7997 Overall improvements and fixes Fixed: In some cases, a user could be logged out of the QAComplete instance due to inactivity while working in it.
QAC-8419 Overall improvements and fixes Improvement: A better performance of the database server.
QAC-8029 Project Management Fixed: Sometimes, an error occurred if a user had tried to click View Hierarchical Project Plan on the Manage Plans screen.
QAC-7825 Quick links Fixed: The quick links were not working properly for servers that required a port number for access.
QAC-8122 Requirements Improvement: Better text for error messages.
QAC-8171 Requirements Improvement: A better performance of the Requirements screen.
QAC-7830 REST API Fixed: If a user was trying to send messages using the POST, PUT, or PATCH methods for the /defects and /requirement endpoints with incorrect custom field values, the methods were running successfully and no validation error message appeared.
QAC-7875 REST API Fixed: An error occurred if a user had tried to use PUT and PATCH methods after POST, if the REST and SQL servers had different time zones.
QAC-8343 REST API Fixed: In some cases, it was impossible to create a test set containing a huge number of tests using the QAComplete REST API.
QAC-7844 SaaS Fixed: Sometimes, a user was able to access the actual QAComplete data using a canceled account.
QAC-8085 Setup Fixed: The GroupsRefreshed entries mistakenly appeared on the System Preferences screen.
QAC-7855 Test Library Fixed: When on the Test Management > Test Library screen, if a user had clicked Fast Edit and then clicked a folder on the left navigation tab, the Create Test Set button disappeared from the toolbar.
QAC-7893 Test Library Fixed: When a user had imported tests from the CSV file, the spaces after the second quotation marks in a line disappeared.
QAC-8367 Test Library Fixed: In some cases, an inactive test appeared in the Test Library even if the Show Inactive check box had not been selected.
QAC-5708 Test Runner Fixed: When a user was running a test set, it was necessary to click Pass Test Step an extra time for the last step in the test. Otherwise, the Go to the Next Step dialog did not appear.
QAC-7308 Test Runner Fixed: In some cases, if a user ran a test set composed of imported tests that had not been run before and then changed its properties during the test run, the test names disappeared from the Test Runner.
Test Runner Fixed: If no triggers were specified for the test versioning and a user was trying to apply some changes to the test in the Test Library, the Test Runner displayed wrong test information.
QAC-7872 Test Runner Fixed: The Automatically create a defect dialog still appeared even if a user had disabled this option in Setup.
QAC-7946 Test Runner Fixed: For renamed tests in test sets, sometimes, the Test Runner displayed the old names even if these had been renamed before the run started.
QAC-8010 Test Runner Fixed: Sometimes, if a user had modified a test set having a paused run, and then applied the changes to all existing runs, it caused the tests in the Test Runner to duplicate.
QAC-8037 Test Runner Fixed: Improper link assigned on the Review Test icon in the test runner.
QAC-8316 Test Runner Fixed: The Save Test Step dialog appeared even if a user had edited the Actual Result field only.
QAC-7903 Test Sets Fixed: In some cases, if a user applied some changes to the test sets that had paused runs, QAComplete displayed a wrong number of tests in the set.
QAC-2703 Users Fixed: It was impossible to add a user account to a department, if that account had been previously added to another department and deleted after that.

See Also

Features Added to QAComplete 11.7, February 2018
Version History

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