Bug Fixes in QAComplete 11.5 - Build 11.5.739 - July 30, 2017

Applies to QAComplete 14.1 SaaS, last modified on February 19, 2024
Id Functional Area Summary
QAC-6385 Dashboards Fixed: In some cases, empty captions in charts caused server-side errors.
QAC-5694 Emails Fixed: Wrong defect links in QAComplete notification emails.
QAC-5892 Folders Fixed: The child folders on the Requirements screen disappeared after the parent folder’s name had been changed.
QAC-5468 JIRA integration Fixed: It was possible to select items of the Sub Task type for synchronization. Synchronization of these is not currently supported in QAComplete.
QAC-5763 JIRA integration Fixed: Sometimes, the synchronization failed if the Components field of the user’s item was not empty.
QAC-5770 JIRA integration Fixed: There were issues with the QAComplete JIRA plugin occurring if a user had the JIRA Service Desk application installed.
QAC-5796 JIRA integration Fixed: Links in JIRA items used the HTTP protocol even for QAComplete instances that use HTTPS (QAComplete SaaS specifically).
QAC-5888 JIRA integration Fixed: If a user was unable to synchronize some items during the initial synchronization, these items could not be synchronized even after possible issues were fixed.
QAC-6034 JIRA integration Fixed: There were issues with custom non-default statuses if using Simplified workflow in JIRA.
QAC-6310 JIRA integration Fixed: The Check button text was not displayed in Chrome while working correctly in Firefox and Internet Explorer.
QAC-6523 JIRA integration Fixed: Some plugins caused the null value to appear in the Current User field.
QAC-5677 Reports Fixed: Sometimes, QAComplete did not correctly perform a spreadsheet export for the test set report.
QAC-5701 REST API Fixed: It was not possible to set the test run status to Skipped using REST API.
QAC-5710 REST API Fixed: Users with the Manage custom fields option enabled could not get the item list with REST API.
QAC-5952 Single Sign-On Fixed: A typo in the Single Sign-On Administration screen title.
QAC-4173 Test Runner Fixed: The internal API request ran twice causing performance issues in the Test Runner if a user switched between steps during the run.
QAC-4743 Test Runner Fixed: An error appeared in the Test Runner if a user set the Folder Name field as required for the Defect items and tried to automatically create a defect during the test run.
QAC-4808 Test Runner Fixed: Default keyboard shortcuts (for example, Ctrl+Shift+Left) had been overwritten in the Test Runner, causing unexpected behavior when a user pressed them.
QAC-5297 Test Runner Improvement: Available releases will now appear in the chronological order (from those created earlier to the latest ones) on the Test Runner release selection screen.
QAC-5531 Test Runner Fixed: Sometimes, the test run did not stop even if a user manually changed the test status.
QAC-5601 Test Runner Improvement: When opening the passed test on the Run History screen, QAComplete now shows the details of the first test step instead of the last one.
QAC-5665 Test Runner Fixed: Sometimes, if a user pressed Pass all steps in the Test Runner, it did not change the status of the whole test. The test had the In Progress status, while all the steps had the Passed one.
QAC-5668 Test Runner Fixed: If a user added ReadyAPI automation to the test and specified the incorrect test case name in its settings, the Test Runner failed the test without showing the error description.
QAC-5696 Test Runner Fixed: Sometimes, the run progress bar did not update when passing test steps within a test set one by one.
QAC-5874 Test Runner Fixed: Sometimes, the statuses of test steps did not update if changed manually.
QAC-5905 Test Runner Fixed: Sometimes, it was not possible to update the statuses of steps after one test in the test run had been completed.
QAC-5911 Test Runner Improvement: The Test Runner does not show the End Test dialog after a user passes a test step if there is only one test step in the test.
QAC-6037 Test Runner Fixed: Sometimes, the Save Test Step dialog did not appear if a user passed the test step using the Pass button.
QAC-6244 Reports Fixed: Sometimes, the report templates were not saved in QAComplete after the user logout.
QAC-6288 Test Runner Fixed: If a step was deleted from the test case during the execution, the expected result and step details did not update.
QAC-6356 Test Runner Improvement: Now, the Test Runner does not show the Auto Create Defect dialog if a user changes the test or step status from Failed to Passed.
QAC-6379 Test Runner Fixed: The Test Runner tooltips hid the information about the test step.
QAC-6540 Test Runner Fixed: When a user switched between tests in the reverse order, clicking the back button (<) moved the user to the preceding test step instead of the next one.
QAC-6736 Tests Fixed: Sometimes, the value of the Date Last Run field was not properly updated to the latest run date.
QAC-6542 Traceability Fixed: A security issue caused items from other QAComplete SaaS instances to appear in the Link to Item dialog during the lookup.
QAC-6492 Users Improvement: The Work Phone field is not required for user profiles now.

See Also

Features Added to QAComplete 11.5, July 2017
Version History

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