A Release
object represents a release, iteration, or build in QAComplete. Using QAComplete SOAP API, you can add, enumerate, update, and delete releases.
To manage releases, you need a user account that belongs to a security group that has the corresponding privileges – Read, Add, Update, or Delete– for Releases and Read for Defects. You can view or set these privileges in > Setup > Security > Security Groups > Manage Security Rights > select user group.
Some string property values are based on choice lists defined in your QAComplete project. You can find these values in Releases > Tools > Manage Choice Lists.
Custom1 … Custom10 : string (max 8000 chars)
Values of custom fields 1 to 10.
Custom11 … Custom90 : string (max 100 chars)
Values of custom fields 11 to 90.
CustomFieldName1 … CustomFieldName90 : string (max 30 chars)
The names of custom fields.
CustomFields : array of strings
An array of custom field values.
CustomFieldNames : array of strings
An array of custom field names.
Id : integer
The unique identifier of the release.
ProjId : integer
The ID of the QAComplete project that contains the release.
FolderId : integer
The ID of the folder containing the release, or 0 if the release is not in any folder.
ReleaseId : integer
The ID of the top release in the hierarchy.
FullReleaseName : string (max 604 chars)
The full release name in the Release/Iteration/Build
ReleaseName : string (max 255 chars)
The name of the top release in the hierarchy.
ParentId : integer
The ID of the immediate parent release object (iteration or release).
ParentName : string (max 200 chars)
The name of the immediate parent release object (iteration or release).
ReleaseType : string (max 200 chars)
The type of the release object. Possible values:
- Release
- Iteration
- Build
Title : string (max 200 chars)
The defect title (subject).
XML entities in the title are double encoded:
& – &
< – &#60;
> – &#62;
Description : string
Long description of the release. Can include HTML markup. Default value: empty string.
OwnerUserId : integer
The ID of the user who owns the release.
AssigneeUserId : integer
The ID of the user the release is assigned to, or 0 if the release is not assigned to anyone.
IsAutoAdjustEstDates : string (max 2 chars)
Specifies if the estimated start and finish dates are set automatically.
DateCreated : dateTime
The date and time the release was created.
DateUpdated : dateTime
The date and time the release was last updated.
CreateUserId : integer
The ID of the user who created the release, iteration, or build.
UpdateUserId : integer
The ID of the last user who updated the release, iteration, or build.
StatusCode : string (max 200 chars)
The release status based on a choice list.
SeqNum : integer
The ID of the test sequence that are specified for the release.
ParentSeqNum : integer
The ID of the test sequence that are specified for the release parent.
IsActive : integer
Specifies if the release is active.
EstStartDate : dateTime
Estimate date of starting working on the release.
EstFinishDate : dateTime
Estimate date of the completing the release.
FolderName : string (max 511 chars)
The name of the folder containing the release, in the ParentFolder/Subfolder/Subfolder
if the release is not in a folder.
AssignedToName : string (max 78 chars)
The name of the user assigned to the release, in the Lastname, Firstname
OwnerName : string (max 78 chars)
The name of the user who owns the release, in the Lastname, Firstname
UserName : string (max 78 chars)
The name of the last user who updated the release, in the Lastname, Firstname
NbrNotes : integer
The number of notes attached to the release. Default: 0.
NbrFiles : integer
The number of files attached to the release. Default: 0.
NotesDescription : string
The latest note attached to the release. Can include HTML markup.
NbrEscalations : integer
DateLastEscalated : dateTime
LastEscalationRuleId : integer
LastEscalationRule : string (max 100 chars)
NbrFilesNotSecured : integer
The number of unsecured files attached to the release. Default: 0.
NbrProjectPlans : integer
The total number of project plans attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrProjectPlanTasks : integer
The total number of project plan tasks attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrQuickTasks : integer
The total number of agile tasks attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrRequirements : integer
The total number of requirements attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrTestSets : integer
The total number of test sets attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrTests : integer
The total number of tests attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrTestCases : integer
The total number of test cases attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrDefects : integer
The total number of defects attached to the release and its children.
EstStart : dateTime
Reserved. Not used now. Always 0001-01-01T00:00:00
EstFinish : dateTime
Reserved. Not used now. Always 0001-01-01T00:00:00
ActStart : dateTime
The actual start date for working on the release.
ActFinish : dateTime
The actual date when the release was finished.
PctComplete : integer
The percentage complete of release completion. Default: 0.
ProjectVarianceHrs : decimal
The projected hours variance.
ProjectVariancePct : integer
The projected percent variance.
EstHrs : decimal
Estimated hours to finish the release. Default: 0.
ActHrs : decimal
Actual hours spent working on the release. Default: 0.
EstHrsRemaining : decimal
Estimated remaining hours for finishing the release. Default: 0.
NbrIterations : integer
The number of release iterations.
NbrBuilds : integer
The total number of the release builds (including builds of the child iterations).
ActFinish : dateTime
The actual date when the release was finished.
ActHrs : decimal
Actual hours spent working on the release. Default: 0.
ActStart : dateTime
The actual start date for working on the release.
AssignedToName : string (max 78 chars)
The name of the user assigned to the release, in the Lastname, Firstname
AssigneeUserId : integer
The ID of the user the release is assigned to, or 0 if the release is not assigned to anyone.
CreateUserId : integer
The ID of the user who created the release, iteration, or build.
Custom1 … Custom10 : string (max 8000 chars)
Values of custom fields 1 to 10.
Custom11 … Custom90 : string (max 100 chars)
Values of custom fields 11 to 90.
CustomFieldName1 … CustomFieldName90 : string (max 30 chars)
The names of custom fields.
CustomFieldNames : array of strings
An array of custom field names.
CustomFields : array of strings
An array of custom field values.
DateCreated : dateTime
The date and time the release was created.
DateLastEscalated : dateTime
DateUpdated : dateTime
The date and time the release was last updated.
Description : string
Long description of the release. Can include HTML markup. Default value: empty string.
EstFinish : dateTime
Reserved. Not used now. Always 0001-01-01T00:00:00
EstFinishDate : dateTime
Estimate date of the completing the release.
EstHrs : decimal
Estimated hours to finish the release. Default: 0.
EstHrsRemaining : decimal
Estimated remaining hours for finishing the release. Default: 0.
EstStart : dateTime
Reserved. Not used now. Always 0001-01-01T00:00:00
EstStartDate : dateTime
Estimate date of starting working on the release.
FolderId : integer
The ID of the folder containing the release, or 0 if the release is not in any folder.
FolderName : string (max 511 chars)
The name of the folder containing the release, in the ParentFolder/Subfolder/Subfolder
if the release is not in a folder.
FullReleaseName : string (max 604 chars)
The full release name in the Release/Iteration/Build
Id : integer
The unique identifier of the release.
IsActive : integer
Specifies if the release is active.
IsAutoAdjustEstDates : string (max 2 chars)
Specifies if the estimated start and finish dates are set automatically.
LastEscalationRule : string (max 100 chars)
LastEscalationRuleId : integer
NbrBuilds : integer
The total number of the release builds (including builds of the child iterations).
NbrDefects : integer
The total number of defects attached to the release and its children.
NbrEscalations : integer
NbrFiles : integer
The number of files attached to the release. Default: 0.
NbrFilesNotSecured : integer
The number of unsecured files attached to the release. Default: 0.
NbrIterations : integer
The number of release iterations.
NbrNotes : integer
The number of notes attached to the release. Default: 0.
NbrProjectPlans : integer
The total number of project plans attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrProjectPlanTasks : integer
The total number of project plan tasks attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrQuickTasks : integer
The total number of agile tasks attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrRequirements : integer
The total number of requirements attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrTestCases : integer
The total number of test cases attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrTests : integer
The total number of tests attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NbrTestSets : integer
The total number of test sets attached to the release and its children. Default: 0.
NotesDescription : string
The latest note attached to the release. Can include HTML markup.
OwnerName : string (max 78 chars)
The name of the user who owns the release, in the Lastname, Firstname
OwnerUserId : integer
The ID of the user who owns the release.
ParentId : integer
The ID of the immediate parent release object (iteration or release).
ParentName : string (max 200 chars)
The name of the immediate parent release object (iteration or release).
ParentSeqNum : integer
The ID of the test sequence that are specified for the release parent.
PctComplete : integer
The percentage complete of release completion. Default: 0.
ProjectVarianceHrs : decimal
The projected hours variance.
ProjectVariancePct : integer
The projected percent variance.
ProjId : integer
The ID of the QAComplete project that contains the release.
ReleaseId : integer
The ID of the top release in the hierarchy.
ReleaseName : string (max 255 chars)
The name of the top release in the hierarchy.
ReleaseType : string (max 200 chars)
The type of the release object. Possible values:
- Release
- Iteration
- Build
SeqNum : integer
The ID of the test sequence that are specified for the release.
StatusCode : string (max 200 chars)
The release status based on a choice list.
Title : string (max 200 chars)
The defect title (subject).
XML entities in the title are double encoded:
& – &#38;
< – &#60;
> – &#62;
UpdateUserId : integer
The ID of the last user who updated the release, iteration, or build.
UserName : string (max 78 chars)
The name of the last user who updated the release, in the Lastname, Firstname

Relevant Operations
<FullReleaseName>Release 1.0</FullReleaseName>
<ReleaseName>Release 1.0</ReleaseName>
<Title>Release 1.0</Title>
<Description>The initial product release.</Description>
<StatusCode>In Progress</StatusCode>
<OwnerName>Davis, Eugeny</OwnerName>
<UserName>John, Doe</UserName>
See Also
Releases_Add Operation
Releases_Load Operation
Releases Operations