ProjectPlanTask Object

Applies to QAComplete 14.4, last modified on June 20, 2024

A ProjectPlanTask object represents a task that belongs to a project plan in QAComplete. Using the QAComplete SOAP API, you can add, load, modify and delete tasks.

To manage tasks in a project plan, you need a user account that belongs to a security group that has the following privileges:

  • Read, Add, Update, and Delete for Project Plan Tasks (Project Team Members).

  • Read, Update, and Delete for Project Plan Maintenance (Project Manager).

You can view and set privileges in  > Setup > Security > Security Group > Manage Security Rights.


Custom1 … Custom10  :  string (max 8000 chars)

Values of custom fields 1 to 10.

Custom11 … Custom90  :  string (max 100 chars)

Values of custom fields 11 to 90.

CustomFieldName1 … CustomFieldName90  :  string (max 30 chars)

The names of custom fields.

CustomFields  :  array of strings

An array of custom field values.

CustomFieldNames  :  array of strings

An array of custom field names.

TaskId  :  integer

The unique identifier of the task.

TaskName  :  string (max 100 chars)

The name of the tasks.

ProjPlanId  :  integer

The ID of the project plan to which the task belongs.

Indent  :  integer

The hierarchy level of the task in the project plan.

IsParent  :  string (max 1 chars)

Specifies whether the task has child tasks.

IsExpanded  :  string (max 1 chars)

Specifies whether the task is expanded.

SeqNum  :  integer

The ordinal number of the task in the project plan.

PredNum  :  string (max 50 chars)

The ordinal number of a task that must be finished in the project plan before the current task starts.

EstStart  :  dateTime

Estimated date when working on the task starts.

EstFinish  :  dateTime

Estimated date when working on the task finishes.

EstHrs  :  decimal

Estimated hours required to finish the task. Default: 0.

EstCostInt  :  decimal

Estimated internal cost of working on the task. Default: 0.

EstCostExt  :  decimal

Estimated external cost of working on the task. Default: 0.

ActStart  :  dateTime

Actual date when working on the task starts.

ActFinish  :  dateTime

Actual date when working on the task finishes.

ActHrs  :  decimal

Actual hours spent working on the task. Default: 0.

ActCostInt  :  decimal

Actual internal cost of working on the task. Default: 0.

ActCostExt  :  decimal

Actual external cost of working on the task. Default: 0.

RequestedBy  :  string (max 30 chars)

The name of the user who requested the task, in the in the Lastname, Firstname format.

AssigneeUserId  :  integer

The ID of the user to whom the task is assigned. 0 if the task is not assigned to anyone.

PriorityCode  :  string (max 100 chars)

The task priority based on the choice list. If no priority is assigned, empty string.

PctComplete  :  integer

Percentage of the task completing. Default : 0.

Description  :  string (max 8000 chars)

Task description. Can include HTML markup. Default value: empty string.

FunctSpecId  :  integer


IsBillable  :  string (max 1 chars)

Specifies whether the task is billable.

EstHrsRemaining  :  decimal

Estimated hours remaining until the task is finished. Default: 0.

LinkedItemCode  :  string (max 100 chars)

The type of the item linked to the task.

LinkedItemId  :  integer

The ID of the item linked to the task. 0 if the task is not linked to any item.

AssignedToName  :  string (max 78 chars)

The name of the user, to whom the task is assigned, in the Last name, First name format.

DateCreated  :  dateTime

The date and time when the task was created.

DateUpdated  :  dateTime

The date and time when the task was last updated.

ImportId  :  integer

The ID of the operation that imported the task from Microsoft Project to QAComplete. If the task was not imported, is 0.

IsActive  :  string (max 1 chars)

Specifies whether the task is enabled (active).

IsEstFinishOverriden  :  string (max 1 chars)

Specifies whether the estimated finish date of the task is specified by its child tasks’ estimated finish dates.

LinkedItem  :  string (max 100 chars)

The item linked to the task.

LinkedItemTitle  :  string (max 100 chars)

The title of the item linked to the task.

NbrEvents  :  integer

The number of calendar events attached to the task. Default: 0.

NbrFiles  :  integer

The number of files attached to the task. Default: 0.

NbrNotes  :  integer

The number of notes attached to the task. Default: 0.

NotesDescription  :  string (max 255 chars)

The latest note attached to the task. Can include HTML markup.

OriginalId  :  integer

The original ID of the task as it was specified in Microsoft Project before the task was imported to QAComplete. If the task was not imported, 0.

OwnerName  :  string (max 78 chars)

The name of the user, who owns the task, in the Last name, First name format.

OwnerUserId  :  integer

The ID of the user who owns the task.

ProjId  :  integer

The ID of the QAComplete project that contains the project plan task.

ProjPlanName  :  string (max 50 chars)

The name of the project plan to which the task belongs.

UpdateUserId  :  integer

The ID of the last user who updated the task.

UserName  :  string (max 78 chars)

The name of the last user, who updated the task, in the Lastname, Firstname format.

Relevant Operations


  • Some string property values are based on choice lists defined in your QAComplete project. You can find these values in Project Management > Project Plans > Actions > Manage Choice Lists.

  • Unassigned date and time values (for example, in EstStart) are represented as 0001-01-01T00:00:00.



    <string>custom control<string>
  <Custom1>custom control<Custom1>
  <TaskName>Test new EditTextBox control<TaskName>
  <RequestedBy>Doe, John<RequestedBy>
  <Description>Task description<Description>
  <AssignedToName>Doe, John<AssignedToName>
  <LinkedItem>Defect 8 - Bug #8<LinkedItem>
  <LinkedItemTitle>Bug #8<LinkedItemTitle>
  <NotesDescription>Last note<NotesDescription>
  <OwnerName>Doe, John<OwnerName>
  <ProjPlanName>Test Plan<ProjPlanName>
  <UserName>Doe, John<b><UserName>

See Also

ProjectPlanTasks_Add Operation
ProjectPlanTasks_Load Operation
Project Plan Tasks Operations

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