You can now use CucumberStudio to manage the test results for tests that were not written in CucumberStudio (for example your Unit tests).
There are some prerequisites for that:
Your tests must produce a report supported by CucumberStudio: jUnit XML, NUnit XML TAP format, Robot Framework, MSTest and Android studio are the ones currently supported.
You need the cURL tool installed on the machine you use to run the tests.
Step 1: Create an external test run
Go to the test runs page and create a test run dedicated to your test suite. On the screen, select the last option to make this test run dedicated to external test results.

Step 2: Integrate with your CI tool
Once the test run is created, click on “Push results” in the CucumberStudio step menu. It will show the commands needed to push the results:

In the modal, once you have selected the test result format, you will obtain the command line you need to push the results:

Copy and paste the command line to your continuous integration tool post task. Here is an example with Travis-CI integration:
language: node_js
sudo: false
- grunt qunit_junit qunit
- curl -X POST -F [email protected]$SECRET_TOKEN/105/junit
And now you’re all set. Next time the CI task is ran, the test results will be uploaded to CucumberStudio .

I have executed my tests on multiple environments, how can I push the results for these environments back to an external test run?
You can specify an environment name in the execution_environment parameter of the endpoint URL:
curl -X POST -F [email protected]$SECRET_TOKEN/105/junit?execution_environment=$ENVIRONMENT_NAME
If the environment with the given name does not exist, a new environment will be created.