RSpec provides an awesome tool for writing and executable examples of how your code should behave. This makes it perfect for writing Selenium tests in Ruby, and because Ruby works well with our Cloud Service out of the box, we will show you to do the same with RSpec.
Get set up
We will start by getting a few necessary dependencies:
- Install Selenium
First let us get Selenium installed. It is easiest to do so with Gem:
gem install selenium-webdriver - Installing RSpec
Now let us get RSpec
gem install rspec - Installing Rest-Client
Lastly, we will need Rest-Client so we can make RESTful calls to our API:
gem install rest-client
Write tests
Now we are ready to get started. From your terminal, navigate to a new directory where we can start writing our tests. From there, create a file called cbt.rb. This will allow us to create the environment for testing to CrossBrowserTesting configurations. Copy to following code into that file:
require "rspec"
require "rest-client"
require "io/console"
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.around(:example) do |example|
username = ''# change this to the username associated with your account
authkey = 'yourauthkey'# change this to the authkey found in the Manage Account section of our site
caps =
caps["name"] = "Login Form Example"
caps["build"] = "1.0"
caps["browserName"] = "Chrome" # by default this pulls the latest version
caps["platform"] = "Windows 10" # To specify version, add caps["version"] = "desired version"
caps["screen_resolution"] = "1024x768"
caps["record_video"] = "true"
caps["record_network"] = "false"
puts "Starting tunnel..."
# uncomment the following to make your test start a tunnel
tunnel = IO.popen("cbt_tunnels --username " + username + " --authkey " + authkey + "asadmin", "r+")
rescue Exception => ex
puts "#{ex.class}: #{ex.message}"
@driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for(:remote,
:url => "http://#{username}:#{authkey}",
:desired_capabilities => caps)
@score = "fail"
session_id = @driver.session_id
response = RestClient.put("https://#{username}:#{authkey}{session_id}", "action=set_score&score=#{@score}")
# uncomment the following if you've chosen to start a tunnel
rescue Exception => ex
puts "#{ex.class}: #{ex.message}"
As you can see from the code, we have used Selenium to create a Remote WebDriver that is pointed to our hub and uses your username and authorization key. This will start a test to Chrome 54 on Windows 10. Our capabilities also allow you to record videos of your test and record network traffic.
If you uncomment the lines where we instantiate a tunnel you can also start a local connection so you can test locally hosted content. Just ensure you have installed cbt_tunnels beforehand.
We are not done yet, now we need to write our first test in RSpec. Luckily we can now extend all of our tests from this same context to test in the cloud. Create another file called todo_example.rb and copy the following code to see RSpec in action:
describe "Todo Example" do
it "can test a todo-app" do
# maximize the browser window
puts "Loading URL""")
puts "Clicking Checkbox"
@driver.find_element(:name, "todo-4").click
puts "Clicking Checkbox"
@driver.find_element(:name, "todo-5").click
elems = @driver.find_elements(:class, "done-true")
expect(elems.length).to eq(2)
puts "Entering Text"
@driver.find_element(:id, "todotext").send_keys("Run your first Selenium Test")
@driver.find_element(:id, "addbutton").click
spanText = @driver.find_element(:xpath, "/html/body/div/div/div/ul/li[6]/span").text
expect(spanText).to eql("Run your first Selenium Test")
puts "Archiving old to-dos"
@driver.find_element(:link_text, "archive").click
elems = @driver.find_elements(:class, "done-false")
expect(elems.length).to eq(4)
@score = "pass"
You might not be able to tell what this is doing until we run it, so let us go ahead and do that. Save this file, and return to that directory in your terminal:
Go over to our app, and see it working. You should see where we are testing a basic Angular To-Do-App. Selenium will checkmark boxes, add to the list, and even check that our archive link works. Its simple, but its meant to show you the basics of how Selenium can work with functional testing for your own web applications. At the end we set the score to pass (if we made it through without issues), so you know which test cases you need to look for.
For examples and source code to this tutorial, check out our RSpec GitHub Repository
That is just the start of what you can do with Selenium! There is really so much more you can do, and RSpec makes it easy to set up and perform your tests on the fly. If you have any questions or concerns as you use our service, do not hesitate to get in touch. We are always happy to help!
See Also
Test Frameworks and Tools
About Selenium Testing
Selenium and Ruby
Cucumber Ruby