
Applies to CrossBrowserTesting SaaS, last modified on January 10, 2023

This is an example for getting started with Gauge, Selenium, and CrossBrowserTesting's hub.

Install Gauge.

For this example, we used brew to install Gauge on macOS:

brew install gauge

Download template Gauge project.

In this example, we started with a project template provided by Gauge:

gauge init python_selenium

You can also clone this repository to use this template.

Change to point to CBT Hub

These are the changes we made to the gauge python_selenium template:

In step_impl -> utils, you will find a file. In order to connect to CrossBrowserTesting, you will need to point to our hub.

This is also where you should enter your CrossBrowserTesting credentials along with the capabilities for the device/browser configuration you want to test.

You can generate the desired capabilities for your test using our capabilities configurator:


from getgauge.python import before_suite, after_suite
from selenium import webdriver

class Driver(object):
    driver = None

    def init(self):
        self.username = "YOUR_CBT_USERNAME" #replace with your CBT username
        self.authkey = "YOUR_CBT_AUTHKEY" #replace with your CBT authkey

        self.api_session = requests.Session()
        self.api_session.auth = (self.username,self.authkey)

        self.test_result = None

        caps = {}
        caps['name'] = 'Gauge Test'
        caps['build'] = '1.0'
        caps['browserName'] = 'Chrome'
        caps['version'] = '80x64'
        caps['platform'] = 'Windows 10'
        caps['screenResolution'] = '1366x768'
        caps['record_video'] = 'true'
        caps['record_network'] = 'false'

        # start the remote browser on our server
        Driver.driver = webdriver.Remote(
            command_executor="http://%s:%[email protected]:80/wd/hub"%(self.username,self.authkey)

    def close():

Add your test spec and step implementations

We are adding the following test steps to specs -> example.spec:

# Getting Started with Gauge

## Let's log in
* Go to login form at ""
* Enter username "[email protected]"
* Enter password "test123"
* Click log in button
* Verify that we see logged in message "You are now logged in!"

So that our test knows how to run those steps, we will also need to add the step implementations for this test under step_impl ->


from getgauge.python import step
from step_impl.utils.driver import Driver

@step("Go to login form at <url>")
def go_to_login_form_at(arg1):

@step("Enter username <arg1>")
def enter_username(arg1):

@step("Enter password <arg1>")
def enter_password(arg1):

@step("Click log in button")
def click_log_in_button():
  Driver.driver.find_element_by_css_selector('body > div > div > div > div > form > div.form-actions > button').click()

@step("Verify that we see logged in message <arg1>")
def verify_that_we_see_logged_in_message(arg1):
    assert Driver.driver.find_element_by_id('logged-in').text == arg1

Run your test

Now you can run your Selenium Gauge Python test on CrossBrowserTesting:

gauge run specs

See Also

Selenium and Ruby
Cucumber Ruby

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