Additional Authentication Options

Applies to Collaborator 14.6, last modified on March 18, 2025

Administrators can complement Collaborator's generic authentication with user authentication via third-party services (for example, GitHub or Atlassian). In this case the Collaborator's login page will display additional login options, so that users can specify their third-party account and log into Collaborator.

General concept

The authentication process will consist of the following steps:

  1. A user tries to access a Collaborator server.

  2. Collaborator recognizes that the user is not logged-in and displays the login page with additional login options.

  3. User selects the desired third-party service and specifies their credentials on that service.

  4. The third-party service authenticates the user and redirects back to the Collaborator.

  5. Collaborator server logs the user in.

  6. If a user with the specified credentials is not found, Collaborator creates a new user.

The logout process will consist of the following steps:

  1. A user tries to log out from the Collaborator server.

  2. Collaborator sends logout request to the third-party service. (For Github only)

  3. The third-party service logs the user out and sends the response back to the Collaborator server. (For Github only)

  4. Collaborator logs the user out.

Authentication via third-party services in Collaborator

Collaborator supports third-party authentication for Web Client only. For other clients, you should specify your regular Collaborator credentials.

Currently, authentication via the following third-party accounts is supported:

See Also

Admin Tasks

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