Version 11.4

Applies to Collaborator 14.5, last modified on January 07, 2025

This topic describes the changes made to Collaborator 11.4. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

11.4.11405 - March 15, 2019

  • added - Ability to use Oracle Text component instead of regular expression query on Oracle databases for full-text search from Web Client. This component is disabled by default, administrators can enable it on the Oracle side or through Collaborator admin UI. (COLLAB-5356)
  • fixed - Options for Oracle text search is shown for any database. (COLLAB-5387)
  • fixed - The SearchSettingsActivity should check if a customer has unsaved changes. (COLLAB-5415)
  • fixed - Check whether Oracle Text component is available before search. (COLLAB-5425)
  • fixed - Do not create Oracle CTX indices automatically during DB upgrade or fresh installation. (COLLAB-5420, COLLAB-5442)
  • fixed - Oracle search settings saving was fixed. (COLLAB-5421)

11.4.11404 - December 3, 2018

  • added - Implement VM options for pre-defined Oracle search scopes (COLLAB-5015)
  • fixed - The participant custom field should be locked from modifying by other participants (COLLAB-4059)
  • fixed - Participant custom field validation should ignore values of other participans (COLLAB-5001)
  • fixed - User Login Prompt is displayed only in a single line (COLLAB-4988)
  • fixed - Visual Studio Extension: Invalid .vsix certificate (COLLAB-5026)

11.4.11403 - November 14, 2018

  • added - A Java VM option to suppress revision order check-up and enable the Accept button for diff uploads. (CC-15927, COLLAB-4964)
  • fixed - User list not displaying after upgrade to 11.4.11400 on Oracle 11g, Oracle 12c and MS SQL 2008. (CC-15687)

11.4.11402 - October 12, 2018

  • fixed - Collaborator ignored the content-cache setting in the Tomcat configuration file. (CC-15676)

11.4.11401 - October 10, 2018

  • fixed - In certain cases, Collaborator failed to export reports in the PDF and Excel formats. (COLLAB-4866)

11.4.11400 - September 26, 2018

New Features

  • Smarter support for pull requests and rebased or squashed commits. After a review for some pull request was created, you or your teammates continue working with your source control and continue committing changes. It is quite possible that some commits mentioned in the pull request could be rebased or several commits could be squashed into one commit. The new version of Collaborator now tracks all these changes and automatically includes or excludes commits from the review, keeping the review materials actual. This saves your time and helps you concentrate on reviewing, not on maintaining the list of materials up-to-date.
  • Support for Git submodules. Repository hosting integrations can display changes in the submodules of tracked Git repositories.
  • Collaborator Plug-in for Bitbucket Server is no longer needed. Starting from version 5.4 Bitbucket Server have built-in support for webhooks, so Collaborator can interact with remote repositories without this helper plug-in.
  • Custom fields in checklists. Now you can use custom fields in checklists to adjust the review workflow to your needs in a better way.
    Checklist custom fields

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  • Checklist events in the timeline. The review timeline now includes checklist events like selection or clearing checklist items. This helps you better understand the actions review participants performed during reviewing.
  • Importing group membership from LDAP/AD servers to Collaborator for SSO logins. If a user logs in to Collaborator using SSO, then Collaborator will search for the user name in your LDAP/Active Directory server and will automatically import groups, to which that user belongs. This feature can significantly save time needed to create user groups. The effect is especially noticeable if you have lots of users in your organization. See Synching User Group Membership with LDAP/Active Directory for details.
  • Support for non-default Tomcat configurations. Earlier versions of Collaborator considered that the Collaborator Server URL consists of the host name only and has no additional part in it.  So, for example, the Recent Review menu items used links like /ui#review:id=123 to open reviews. This caused problems, if the Collaborator Server's URL was like http://<site>/some-additional-path/: the page's full path was like http://<site>/some-additional-path/ui#review:id=123, and the menu commands did not work. Collaborator 11.4.11400 supports additional paths in the Server URL, and the following server URL,  for example, works fine now: http://<my-site>/collab/.
  • Improved server security. We have improved internal algorithms in Collaborator Server and eliminated vulnerabilities of the following types:
    • Slow HTTP headers (for GET and POST requests)
    • Cross-site request forgery
    • Unprotected directory
    • Autocompletion for sensitive forms
  • Minor releases compatibility. Earlier, we recommended that you use the Collaborator Server and Client of exactly the same versions. We have changed that requirement, and now all matching major.minor versions of Servers and Clients can work together, regardless of the build version.
  • Adding URLs to reviews. You can use the Upload > URL command of the Review Materials menu to append URLs to reviews easily.
  • Git LFS Support for GUI and command-line clients. Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large files with text references to the files and links those to Git repository, while the file contents is stored on another server. Collaborator GUI and command-line clients now can fetch the actual files on local machine by their references and upload those files to Collaborator reviews.
  • Improved search from command-line. The ccollab admin find review command now can search for the specified text within review titles, user comments and custom fields.
  • Improved search on Oracle database. On Oracle databases, Collaborator will no longer search the contents of custom fields by default (since this significantly reduces search performance). Instead, the search results page display additional fields that define in what areas to perform new search. In this panel you can enable searching in custom fields.

    In order to use extended search, your Oracle administrator would need to install the CTX_DDL PL/SQL package on your DB server and grant the EXECUTE privileges on CTX_DDL to your Oracle user of Collaborator Server. Once done, restart your Collaborator server to complete its upgrade.

  • Updated Login page now contains links to the "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Policy" pages.
  • UI improvements:
    • Clearer custom fields' view. Custom fields' descriptions are now displayed under the field labels, not under the field values:
      Custom fields' descriptions

      Click the image to enlarge it.

    • Hiding Remote Links section. If you do not use issue-tracker integrations or remote repository integrations, the Remote System Links section of the Review Screen does not make much sense. Now administrators can control whether to display or hide this section via review template settings.
    • User Lists. Added pagination controls and user search filters to Admin > Users page.
    • Clearer UI. Version 11.4.14000 uses a slightly larger distance between paragraphs and sections, making it easier to read text in the General Info and Release Materials sections on the review screen.
    • Shorter commit messages. The Changelist info section of Review Screen now displays only the first 70 chars of commit message by default and an ellipses button which shows the entire message.
    • Clearer reports. Earlier, if some reviewer found an issue and clicked "Send to Rework", Collaborator displayed the "Send to Rework" string for that reviewer in reports. This might cause confusion in cases, when your workflow and Collaborator settings allow reviewers to complete a review even if some other reviewer sent it to rework. To avoid confusion in reports, in version 11.4.14000 we have changed the "Send to Rework" string to "Approved (by workflow)" in reports.

Bug Fixes

  • fixed - Collaborator ignored the content-cache setting in the Tomcat configuration file. (CC-15676)
  • fixed - Sometimes, the most recent commit was not added to review because of too short pull-request delay of Bitbucket integration. The default delay value was increased, and became configurable via VM option. (CC-14194)
  • fixed - After upgrading from a legacy Collaborator version, Diff Viewer does not open for some reviews. (COLLAB-4673)
  • fixed - Collaborator fails to load document in the Diff Viewer if pushpins are invalid. (COLLAB-4659)
  • fixed - If .doc, .docx, .pdf file types are added to the "Binary file types" list, Collaborator fails to open the files in the Diff Viewer and shows the "Cannot read property" error. (COLLAB-4648)
  • fixed - Optimize Jira API calls while getting ticket summary and status (COLLAB-4629)
  • fixed - The "Existing authentication configuration" setting was disabled in installer wizard. (COLLAB-4618)
  • fixed - Review creation date could change while modifying other review fields (COLLAB-4556)
  • fixed - When JIRA projects had coincident names (like, MYPRJ1 and PRJ1), Collaborator could append extra links to JIRA tickts to reviews. (COLLAB-4550, COLLAB-4321)
  • fixed - The jackson-databind component was updated (COLLAB-4546)
  • fixed - The Customizable Defect Reports did not return any results if the "Report Access" setting was set to "Respect permissions" (COLLAB-4543)
  • fixed - Uninformative error message was displayed by Eclipse plugin when uploading files while Collaborator server connection was not configured yet. (COLLAB-4481)
  • fixed - The Review Materials list displayed commits in different orders in the Overlay and Separate modes. (COLLAB-4394)
  • fixed - the gated check-in trigger now supports TFS 2017 and 2018 (COLLAB-4392)
  • fixed - The contents of review screen sections in Web UI were hard to read in edit mode. (COLLAB-4372)
  • fixed - When the revision displayed in After pane was predating the revision displayed in Before pane, the Accept button was disabled without any explanation. Now the Diff Viewer shows a tooltip that explains why the button is disabled. (COLLAB-4366)
  • fixed - GitHub comments were attached to wrong source lines in reviews. (COLLAB-4345)
  • fixed - Issued could occur on Collaborator server deployed into a non-root location of Tomcat (COLLAB-4309)
  • fixed - The user name was not displayed in footers of administrator and reports pages (COLLAB-4307)
  • fixed - Custom Fields' descriptions were appended to content's field (COLLAB-4305)
  • fixed - Update GitLab API. Old API became deprecated and integration stop working. (COLLAB-4301)
  • fixed - In certain cases, Collaborator failed adding a user from a group to a review. (COLLAB-4272)
  • fixed - In certain cases, an error occurred when you scrolled the DiffViewer window with keys. (COLLAB-4266)
  • fixed - The "User List" report generated empty CSV file (COLLAB-4259)
  • fixed - Collaborator fails to upload the .doc/.docx file that aren't checked out in ClearCase via the "Add Activities" mode of GUI client. (COLLAB-4244)
  • fixed - Sometimes coordinate comment pairs on Before and After panes were positioned incorrectly. (COLLAB-4243)
  • fixed - File subscriptions now can include repository name in file path (COLLAB-4227)
  • fixed - The caption of the Defects section did not change according to the value specified in the "Defects Label (plural)" option. (COLLAB-4204)
  • fixed - Temporary files were cleaned up only when Collaborator server was stopped. (COLLAB-4195)
  • fixed - For mono type fonts Diff Viewer had problems with alignment of changed lines. (COLLAB-4190)
  • fixed - Report results did not wrap review ID into hyperlinks to those reviews. (COLLAB-4188)
  • fixed - The Defect-Custom-Fields' default values were not selected when creating defects (COLLAB-4177)
  • fixed - The "User Login Prompt" was not displayed on the Login page. (COLLAB-4169)
  • fixed - If the Due By Phase setting is selected for custom field, it should force users to specify a value even when the Validator setting is blank. (COLLAB-4166)
  • fixed - Connections established by JIRA or repository hosting service integrations (except for GitLab) now respect proxy settings if they are specified for Collaborator server. (COLLAB-4085)
  • fixed - The Accepted check-mark was not cleared when uploading a new revision of the file. (COLLAB-4025)
  • fixed - Reviews created on pull requests could display incorrect differences after the original branch was merged and subsequent file revisions were uploaded. (COLLAB-3982)
  • fixed - Sometimes, in reviews created on pull requests comments were displayed at wrong lines (COLLAB-3981)
  • fixed - The Participants category of the Review Summary page doesn't show the Sent to Rework group and its users if the Group by State option is set. (COLLAB-3974)
  • fixed - The Action Items list does not display the participant's role for users that were added via review subscriptions. (COLLAB-3950)
  • fixed - Collaborator built into Visual Studio did not allow review participants to edit participant custom fields of other review participants. (COLLAB-3888)
  • fixed - Some of the JSON API methods could run without the user authentication. (COLLAB-3857)
  • fixed - Bitbucket Server integration could create two reviews for the same pull request. (COLLAB-3849)
  • fixed - When opening a file with only single change, Diff Viewer could spontaneously switch from Expert to Simple view mode. (COLLAB-3840)
  • fixed - Deleted files in the TFS changeset were not marked as "deleted" in the Review Materials section (COLLAB-3801)
  • fixed - If some changes have been made both in feature branch and in upstream branch (for example, by cherry-picking), Bitbucket Server integration now mimics the behaviour of the original Bitbucket Server and displays those simultaneous changes in all DiffViewer modes except for the All. In the All mode those changes are ignored. (COLLAB-3717)
  • fixed - ClearCase integration created reviews in some custom way and didn't calculate LOC metrics. (COLLAB-3671)
  • fixed - Checklist items now can contain up to 1024 characters (COLLAB-3649)
  • fixed - The Login page does not prevent the browser from saving the user name and password. (COLLAB-3582)
  • fixed - Updates to pull request does not reopen Collaborator review, potentially blocking merge (COLLAB-3560, COLLAB-3219)
  • fixed - The Accept button was absent in Visual Studio's Diff Viewer unless at least one comment was added. (COLLAB-3485)
  • fixed - GitLab integration failed to fetch subgroups and associated projects if the group name was specified (COLLAB-3232)
  • fixed - Performance issues in Users page of Administrator settings when displaying more than 30K users. (COLLAB-3110)
  • fixed - If commits containing changes to a file were uploaded as part of the diff range and then additional commits were uploaded to the same review and contain reverting the changes to the file, the file still appeared in the modified state in the Collaborator review (COLLAB-2737)
  • fixed - Multiple tray icons could be displayed on Windows 10 (COLLAB-2691)
  • fixed - The "accepted/chatting" check-mark automatically changed to "accepted" for user who has uploaded the changes (COLLAB-1488)
  • fixed - When file name was matching a pattern specified for Automatic links, Collaborator applied Automatic links rather than file links (COLLAB-1415)
  • fixed - The "Go to next/previous location" buttons became available before the document page was fully loaded and stuck Diff Viewer. (COLLAB-899)

See Also

Version History

Highlight search results