ccollab addsimulinkarchives

Applies to Collaborator 14.3, last modified on September 28, 2023


The ccollab addsimulinkarchives command uploads Simulink model archive to a review on the Collaborator server. Models are uploaded without a "previous version" so the entire model will be shown without differences.

Command Line Syntax

ccollab [global-options] addsimulinkarchives <review> <file-path> [<file-path> ...]

Command Options






A number of global or SCM-specific global options. See Command-line Global Options Reference.



Identifier of the desired review (an integer number), or a new, ask, or last keyword. Where keywords define the following behaviour:

  • new - the command will create a new review,
  • ask - the command will pause execution and prompt for the identifier of the desired review,
  • last - the command will use the last review that was created on the current machine via Command-Line Client (that is, it does not know about reviews created elsewhere).

<file-path> [<file-path> ...]


Path to model archive files (.zip) to be uploaded to review. If file path contains space characters, enclose it in quotes.


  • Models are uploaded without a "previous version" so the entire model will be shown without differences. If you upload the same model on more than one occasion, the server will start making diffs of each version against the previous.
  • If you specify a file path that does not exist, an error will occur.
  • If you specify a path to a folder, an error will occur.


To upload the and c:\dev\ archives into a brand new review:

ccollab addsimulinkarchives new c:\dev\

To upload the c:\dev\ archives into review #62:

ccollab addsimulinkarchives 62 c:\dev\

See Also

ccollab addchanges
ccollab addchangelist
ccollab addversions
ccollab adddiffs
ccollab commit

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