This topic describes the changes made to Collaborator 14.x. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.
14.2.14206 - May 24, 2023
Bug Fixes:
- Review contains the same participant twice (COLLAB-10064)
- Only first 1000 configurations are displayed in UI for Remote Systems (COLLAB-10005)
- Capture Debugging Log does not work (COLLAB-9996)
- Cannot delete review with more than 1000 changelists on Oracle DB (COLLAB-9972)
- Database deadlock causes creation of 'not-visible' defect that prevents review completion (COLLAB-9962)
- Models exported from Matlab Simulink 2022 cannot be reviewed in Collab (COLLAB-9842). Fixed for Simulink 2022b.
14.2.14205 - April 7, 2023
Bug Fixes:
- Login to Collaborator with SSO broken (COLLAB-9975)
14.2.14204 - March 28, 2023
Bug Fixes:
- NPE on GetCookies during SSO login to Collaborator (COLLAB-9951)
14.2.14202 - March 2, 2023
Bug Fixes:
- Incorrect shift of comments against the cells, when second version of Excel file is uploaded (COLLAB-9911)
- Deadline earlier than created time could cause GWT UI hang up (COLLAB-9896)
- Request to add commit message to squash option in GitLab integration (COLLAB-9884)
- GitLab: Auto-merge strategy 'squash' option is missing in review (COLLAB-9880)
- GitLab Web hook integration creates a review but fails to load artifacts (COLLAB-9875)
- Missing or insecure HTTP Strict-Transport-Security Header (COLLAB-9806)
- Simulink Web view file flashes in diff viewer (COLLAB-9757)
- Too long waiting time when new comment is added to review with large number of conversations (COLLAB-9654)
14.2.14201 - January 30, 2023
Bug Fixes:
- Empty zip file when trying to create an archive (COLLAB-9852)
- Pptx files cannot be converted (COLLAB-9827)
- News RSS feeding doesn’t work (COLLAB-9809)
- When resizing the chat window in diff viewer the 2 buttons (Add and Add a defect) disappear (COLLAB-9771)
- Comments section disappear after file auto refresh on Diff Viewer (COLLAB-9758)
- ClassCastException when validating SVN project in GUI Client (COLLAB-9748)
- "Author Finish Review Required" notification on review creation (COLLAB-9730)
- Bitbucket Server: port is ignored in Auto-Pulling config (COLLAB-9732)
- Inappropriate "All reviewers finished" notification during Planning stage (COLLAB-6549)
14.2.14200 - December 8, 2022
New Features:
Integration with JIRA On-prem by OAuth 2.0. Now, when feature is activate, it’s possible to login into Collaborator with Atlassian JIRA server permissions. Also, it’s possible additionally activate filtering into Collaborator JIRA links according to Atlassian permission (COLLAB-9601, COLLAB-9589)
Upload DOORS Classic documents with different baselines as different versions of the same document. It allows to see diffs between different baseline versions of the same document(s) (COLLAB-9631)
Clone Review Template and Role Configurations . Admin can creates new Review templates and Roles faster by cloning configuration of existent templates/roles and then change what is needed (COLLAB-119, COLLAB-3921)
Auto-assignment pull request reviewers for GitLab, BitBucket Cloud and BitBucket server. If activated, feature allow add review participants in Collaborator review from the list of reviewer on the remote system side (COLLAB-5494, COLLAB-5495)
Immediately add review participants from remote system pull requests.This improvement covers the case, when some participants were added to a review on Remote System side after last commit was made. Implemented for all supported by Collaborator Remote Systems (COLLAB-9718)
Apache Tomcat upgraded to v.9.0.69. Upgrade closes issue with found CVE-2022-29885 vulnerability (COLLAB-9693)
Display template description on the Review page. Now template’s description is displayed after template name in the drop-down list of templates during review creation, also description is displayed near template’s name when the template selected. It provides to users more details about templates and helps to select correct one when there are a lot of templates (COLLAB-9667)
Allow administrators to delete files with comments/defects. Now admin can delete files, uploaded to review materials by mistake, even there are already some comments or bugs attached. It will help to clean-up reviews from the files, uploaded there by mistake. It’s applied for manually uploaded files only (COLLAB-9696)
Make 'All users' drop-down behavior for Group administration more secure. Improvement decreases probability that all users to be added to the group by mistake (COLLAB-9666)
Apply breakpoints/word-wrapping for text detailed reports table. Improvement allows to display and print long value of checklist items, custom fields, etc. in Detailed reports (COLLAB-9458)
Merge separate Simulink licensing to general Collaborator licensing. Now Simulink integration license is included into general Enterprise Collaborator license. No separate Simulink integration licensing is required, that is simplifies license managing for customers and their administrators (COLLAB-9651)
Customizable Review Reports were extended to support 'Project' feature. Now it’s possible to include Project ID, Project Title and Project Creation Date to the reports' output, and filter output by these fields as well (COLLAB-9492, COLLAB-9227)
Copy of the configuration files if any changes are going to be made during the server upgrade. Now server.xml, logback.xml, web.xml configuration files are back-upped during server upgrade, so their previous state can be restored after upgrade if it’s needed (COLLAB-8219)
Search users by their Display names in the User List. Now admin can search users by their displays names, what is useful when admin doesn’t know users' logins (COLLAB-6392)
Bug Fixes:
- Potentially Insecure Cache Control Policy (COLLAB-9699)
- Tomcat Version Disclosure (COLLAB-9698)
- XSS Issue with svg file added to comments, when svg file contains XSS payload (COLLAB-9557)
- Proper handle case with index Userversionaction.idx_userversionaction_actionDate_userId when upgrade Collaborator on MS SQL (COLLAB-9653)
- Checklist width too narrow with Eclipse plugin (COLLAB-9618)
- Cookie with Insecure or Improper or Missing Same Site attribute (COLLAB-9615)
- Subscriptions "Mandatory enforce role" mode and Restrict access to review "Participants or group based" (COLLAB-9610)
- Installer replaces Resource options for CollaboratorBasicDataSourceFactory (COLLAB-7602)
- It is possible to set Deadline value earlier than Created value (COLLAB-4530)
14.1.14102 - March 2, 2023
Bug Fixes:
- Incorrect shift of comments against the cells, when second version of Excel file is uploaded (COLLAB-9911)
- Request to add commit message to squash option in GitLab integration (COLLAB-9884)
- GitLab: Auto-merge strategy 'squash' option is missing in review (COLLAB-9880)
- GitLab Web hook integration creates a review but fails to load artifacts (COLLAB-9875)
- Missing or insecure HTTP Strict-Transport-Security Header (COLLAB-9806)
- Simulink Web view file flashes in diff viewer (COLLAB-9757)
- Too long waiting time when new comment is added to review with large number of conversations (COLLAB-9654)
14.1.14101 - January 30, 2023
Bug Fixes:
- Pptx files cannot be converted (COLLAB-9827)
- News RSS feeding doesn’t work (COLLAB-9809)
- When resizing the chat window in diff viewer the 2 buttons (Add and Add a defect) disappear (COLLAB-9771)
- Comments section disappear after file auto refresh on Diff Viewer (COLLAB-9758)
- ClassCastException when validating SVN project in GUI Client (COLLAB-9748)
- "Author Finish Review Required" notification on review creation (COLLAB-9730)
- Bitbucket Server: port is ignored in Auto-Pulling config (COLLAB-9732)
- Inappropriate "All reviewers finished" notification during Planning stage (COLLAB-6549)
14.1.14100 - October 5, 2022
New Features:
Implement Diffs Calculation on word level for Excel over current logic (COLLAB-9530)
Ability to un-accept conversations. Now user can un-accept conversation, that was accepted by him/her by mistake (COLLAB-8398)
Add to ccollab addchangelist option to include/exclude certain files by masks. Feature allows to control (with the help of new exclude/include options, based on file masks) which files from changelist should not be uploaded to review materials (COLLAB-8297)
- Reduce displaying time for large Excel spreadsheet in Diff Viewer (COLLAB-9556)
- Add some DB indexes to fresh installation. Indexes were added to Activity, Defect, Userversionaction tables for new installations of Collaborator (COLLAB-9541)
JSON API improvements and extensions: users
Check if user has an access to the reviews (COLLAB-9477)
Ability to get the list of logged-in users using JSON API (COLLAB-8015)
API that returns ID of the latest review (COLLAB-6870)
API to get/update fields placed on Admin/System/External Clients page (COLLAB-6867)
API command to get list of user's Author, File, Template subscriptions (COLLAB-6339)
- Make enabled/disabled states of Add participants button more clear (COLLAB-9262)
- Show Git commit hash in version description in Diff Viewer instead of Git file hash (COLLAB-9109)
Bug Fixes:
- Jira config "Test Connection" successful with no password/token (COLLAB-9561)
- Comparison contract violation in findReviewsByIdsForUser (COLLAB-9555)
- The difference in a Excel cell with colored background is not highlighted if it was updated (COLLAB-9501)
- Security Vulnerabilities (Outdated version of Lodash, Missing Content Security Policy, Password Autocomplete Enabled) (COLLAB-9517)
- Different time stamps and hashes for same revision in different parts of Web UI (COLLAB-9370)
- Correct features available in the Admin panel for Community Edition (COLLAB-9122)
- Command Prompt Client displays Enterprise by default (COLLAB-9045)
- Aspose conversion error: footnotes (COLLAB-8149)
- Automatic creation of produces old settings (COLLAB-7365)
- Aspose: Range of AutoFilter is not valid (COLLAB-6873)
- Conversion of PPTX pins Collab CPU (COLLAB-6224)
- The String(Multi-line) values is still set to 4000 (COLLAB-6136)
- Collaborator does not show a relevant message when files larger than the truncate-size are uploaded (COLLAB-3907)
- Make links properly linkified for doors:// URI (COLLAB-1359)
14.0.14004 - September 23, 2022
Bug Fixes:
- Bitbucket SaaS: review can have only 10 commits from PR (COLLAB-9590)
- After content cache archive, version table overwritten when attempting access to archived content (COLLAB-9588)
14.0.14003 - September 09, 2022
- Replace [] in filenames of DOORS archives and nested files by () (COLLAB-9567)
Bug Fixes:
- Review Report with Custom Field fails on MS SQL (COLLAB-9542)
14.0.14002 - August 31, 2022
- Support upload DOORS archives with '[' and ']' characters in the file name (COLLAB-9540)
Bug Fixes:
- BitBucket Configuration: App Password Error (COLLAB-9528)
- Backslash character in dump file is not recognized when preserved when read in (COLLAB-9527)
- The chat section text field has a wrong markup in Firefox browser (COLLAB-9479)
- GitHub files with size > 1Mb are empty (COLLAB-9554)
14.0.14001 - July 27, 2022
- Logic of DocumentConversionService.getConversionTask was reworked to avoid synchronized locks (COLLAB-9466)
- Optimize SQL queries to Activities table (COLLAB-9482)
- JSON API to find user by user's attributes (COLLAB-9491)
- Rollback all changes in Excel after 13.10 and then add caching to improve performance (COLLAB-9493)
Bug Fixes:
- Review hang up on XLSX file without error messages in log (COLLAB-9397)
- Hung review: spreadsheet cell locator promotion (COLLAB-9433)
- New Collaborator client can't log in (COLLAB-9437)
Please notice that improvement, that provides more precise diffs calculation for Excel files, and was provided in the scope of Collaborator 13.11 release (tickets COLLAB-8773, COLLAB-9204), is temporary disabled in this patch.
14.0.14000 - June 30, 2022
New Features:
Review of DOORS Classic documents The new feature allows review in Collaborator DOORS Classic documents, exported from DOORS environment to HTML presentation, and then uploaded to Collaborator. All major features for review are available (comments, bug, diffs calculation. In addition, we are providing add-on for DOORS, that allow to create review directly from DOORS environment. (COLLAB-3672, COLLAB-9166)
- SAML SSO. New assertion attribute for Phone number added (works in the same way as Role, Department, etc. assertion attributes) (COLLAB-9400)
- Prevent accidental adding huge number of participants/reviews to review/project. If user tries to add more than 20 participant s to review at once, Collaborator asks for confirmation to avoid accidental addition to many participants, what can cause issues with review. The same check was implemented for addition reviews to a project. (COLLAB-8556)
‘Email All’ behavior was changes. For the case, when the length of list of recipients doesn’t exceed 2000 characters , Collaborator uses native email client, setup on users' PC (e.g., Outlook). Otherwise, internal Collaborator UI for email sending is used. For the the later case ability to edit recipients was added. (COLLAB-9185)
- Phase of project is displayed by default in the project list(COLLAB-9176)
Bug Fixes:
- Broken integration Ecplise-RTC: addchangelist doesn't work (COLLAB-9467)
- File Not Found Exception during GitLab Merge Request (COLLAB-9448)
- "Go to next location" button doesn't work correctly (COLLAB-9447)
- NPE in ModuleFixedLicenseTracker.getSeatsAmount (COLLAB-9430)
- Error during display of Simulink license page (COLLAB-9240)
- Command-line client doesn't notify about the certificate issue giving a NPE instead (COLLAB-8752)
- Perforce: Error checking access permission: Unrecognized Access Level 'owner' (COLLAB-5803)