
Applies to Collaborator 14.2, last modified on September 11, 2023

The Collaborator Add-On for DOORS makes it easy to create or update reviews with just a few clicks. When using the Add-On, there is no need to export and upload files manually to Collaborator - you can upload requirement documents directly from DOORS Classic.

The Collaborator Add-On for DOORS is supported for DOORS Classic installed on Windows.

Technical details and limitations

  • The Collaborator Add-On for DOORS is supported for DOORS Classic started from version 9.3 installed on Windows.

  • The Collaborator Add-On for DOORS works with Collaborator starting from version 14.0.14000.

  • Specify Collaborator server and user credentials in app preferences.

Get Started

How the Integration Works

  1. Open the desired requirement module in DOORS Classic.
  2. Switch to the User mnu and click Collaborator Reviewer.
  3. In the subsequent dialog, switch to the Upload tab and select the options that you want to apply to the export.
  4. Specify whether to upload requirement documents to the last review that was created with Collaborator Add-On for DOORS, to create a new review or to upload it to some existing review.
  5. Click Upload to Collaborator.
  6. After exporting module success popup appears. Link to the Collaborator review is copied to the clipboard automatically.

After clicking on OK button DOORS Add-On will close, so cannot be re-used for another upload.


Two options available for exporting: the current module only (Current) or with all the modules that have links to or from it (All Linked). The HTML includes pictures, and pictures of any OLE objects in the modules.

Include links

Enable exporting information about links.

Preserve auto-indentation

Once enabled auto-indentation in the view, then the Preserve auto-indentation field is displayed. If you do not want the generated HTML to be indented, clear this option.

Export filename

Defines name of current DOORS module in the Collaborator review. Default value is module filename.

Select review

There are three variants to upload requirement documents to the review:

Create new review.Once this option is chosen review title appears and can be defined. In case field left empty default Collaboratorreview name will be used.

Add to existing review.Once this option is chosen list of existing reviews appears.

Upload to last review.Once this option is chosen id of the last review created from this plugin will be displayed.

See Also

Collaborator Add-On for DOORS

Highlight search results