Version 2.1.711

Applies to Collaborator 13.9, last modified on February 15, 2022

This topic describes the changes made to Collaborator 2.1.711. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

  • added — Subversion server-side hook for automatically creating a review whenever a change gets submitted

  • added — Subversion server-side hook for uploading revision data to the server after a change gets submitted

  • added — Manual page describing when notifications are sent to users

  • added — More documentation and troubleshooting information about Perforce server-side triggers

  • fixed — Database connection errors or NullPointerException errors in a race condition when sending email notifications

  • fixed — Error running ccollab addsvndiffs with Subversion clients prior to v1.4.0.

  • fixed — Scrollbar missing in chat window for binary files (Case 34623)

  • fixed — Do not display "0 changelists" under "local changes" when all changelists are in fact checked in (Case 34798)

  • fixed — Broken links to manual pages on client tools when attaching materials to a review

  • fixed — Supplying a blank name for a role configuration causes problems in the administration GUI

See Also

Version History

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