Simulink Reviewer App Overview

Applies to Collaborator 13.6, last modified on December 21, 2021

The Collaborator Simulink Reviewer App makes it easy to create or update reviews with just a few clicks. When using the Reviewer App, there is no need to export and upload the model manually to Collaborator - you can upload models directly from MathWorks Simulink.

Get Started

  1. Download and install the app.

  2. Launch MathWorks Simulink.

  3. Specify Collaborator server and user credentials in app preferences.

How the Integration Works

  1. (Optional.) Open the desired model in MathWorks Simulink.
  2. Switch to the Apps tab and click Collaborator Simulink Reviewer.
  3. In the subsequent dialog, switch to the Upload models tab, press Choose models and select one or more models you want to upload.
  4. Select which systems to export and specify include options.
  5. Specify whether to upload model to the last review that was created with Simulink Reviewer App, to create a new review or to upload it to some existing review.
  6. Click Upload to Collaborator.


See Also

Simulink Reviewer App

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