The Collaborator Simulink Reviewer App makes it easy to create or update reviews with just a few clicks. When using the Reviewer App, there is no need to export and upload the model manually to Collaborator - you can upload models directly from MathWorks Simulink.
Get Started
Launch MathWorks Simulink.
Specify Collaborator server and user credentials in app preferences.
How the Integration Works
- (Optional.) Open the desired model in MathWorks Simulink.
- Switch to the Apps tab and click Collaborator Simulink Reviewer.
- In the subsequent dialog, switch to the Upload models tab, press Choose models and select one or more models you want to upload.
- Select which systems to export and specify include options.
- Specify whether to upload model to the last review that was created with Simulink Reviewer App, to create a new review or to upload it to some existing review.
- Click Upload to Collaborator.
- MathWorks Simulink version 2019 and newer with Simulink Report Generator is installed.
- Collaborator Enterprise edition with additional Simulink integration licenses is installed.
- Simulink integration license is assigned to your user account.