ccollab admin config remote-system-integration edit

Applies to Collaborator 13.4, last modified on December 21, 2021


The ccollab admin config remote-system-integration edit command modifies an existing remote system integration.

Command Line Syntax

ccollab [global-options] admin config remote-system-integration edit <remote-system-id> [--config <value>] [--title <value>]

Command Options






ID remote system integration to be deleted.

ID's of remote system integrations are displayed by the admin config remote-system-integration list command.

--config <value>


A string with a JSON object that specifies new configuration for the remote system integration.

For Bitbucket integration the JSON object must have the following fields:

'{"repoURI":"string", "apiToken":"string", "branch":"string", "branchToIgnorePushes":"string", "autoMerge":"string", "autoClose":"string"}'

For GitHub integration the JSON object must have the following fields:

'{"repoURI":"string", "apiToken":"string", "branch":"string", "apiURI":"string", "branchToIgnorePushes":"string", "pullingInterval":"string", "autoMerge":"string", "autoClose":"string"}'

For JIRA integration the JSON object must have the following fields:

'{"url":"string", "username":"string", "password":"string", "updateReviewPhase":boolean, "updateReviewParticipants":boolean, "projects":"string", "issueType":"string"}'

Configuration fields are analogous to those displayed in Collaborator's user interface.

All fields are required. If you do not want to change some field, then you need to specify its current value.

--title <value>


New name of remote system configuration.


The following command line renames a remote system configuration with ID 1:

ccollab admin config remote-system-integration edit 1 --title "New title"

The following command line changes the configuration of GitHub integration with ID 1:

ccollab admin config remote-system-integration edit 1 --config '{"repoURI":"", "apiToken":"12345abcdefgh098765xyz", "branch":"feature-branch1", "apiURI":"", "branchToIgnorePushes":"","pullingInterval":"15", "autoMerge":"Do nothing", "autoClose":"Do nothing"}'

The following command line changes the configuration of JIRA integration with ID 2:

ccollab admin config remote-system-integration edit 2 --config '{"url":"", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "updateReviewPhase":true, "updateReviewParticipants":true, "projects":"PROJECT1, PROJECT2", "issueType":"Bug"}'

The following command line changes the configuration of Bitbucket integration with ID 3:

ccollab admin config remote-system-integration edit 3 --config '{"repoURI":"", "apiToken":"12345abcdefgh098765xyz", "branch":"main", "branchToIgnorePushes":"", "autoMerge":"Do nothing", "autoClose":"Do nothing"}'

See Also

ccollab admin config remote-system-integration
Remote System Integrations

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