ccollab admin archive

Applies to Collaborator 13.10, last modified on February 15, 2022


The ccollab admin archive command creates ZIP archive(s) for the specified review(s). See Archive Reviews for details.

Command Line Syntax

ccollab [global-options] admin archive [--zip-path <value>] [--zip-option <value>] <review> [<review> ...]

Command Options






A number of global options. See Command-line Global Options Reference.

--zip-path <value>


A path to a folder where the archive(s) should be created. Default is the current folder.

--zip-option <value>


Specifies which data to include into the archives. Possible values are:

all - (Default) An archive will hold the PDF version of the Review Details report and all revisions of the review materials.

latestversions - An archive will hold the PDF version of the Review Details report and the latest revisions of the review materials.

onlyreport - Only generate the PDF version of the Review Details report. This will create standalone PDF file(s). Rather than ZIP file(s) that hold a PDF file.

<review> [<review>]


Identifier of the desired review(s) (an integer number), or a last keyword. When last is specified the command will use the last review that was created on the current machine via Command-Line Client (that is, it does not know about reviews created elsewhere).

If several review IDs are specified, a separate archive will be created for each review.


  • The Allow Archive to zip setting controls who can use this command. The possible values are: administrators, group administrators, or all users (considering the access permissions of the chosen reviews).
  • By default, only the reviews in the Completed, Cancelled or Rejected phases can be archived. Yet, the Allow Archive to Zip for Open Reviews setting may allow to archive reviews on any phase.
  • If the --zip-option onlyreport option is specified, the command will create standalone PDF file(s) rather than ZIP file(s) that hold a PDF file.
  • If several review IDs are specified, a separate archive will be created for each review.
  • If the specified review cannot be found, or is not completed, the command skips it and proceeds to another review.
  • Generated files have the names in the format "" or "review-ID-archive.pdf", where ID stands for the identifier of the review.
  • The built-in PDF viewer of Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 do not support overlay layers in PDF files. Collaborator uses such layers to render coordinate comments (pushpins) in PDF versions of review materials for archived reviews. Because of this, pushpins will not be displayed if the PDF file from the archive is opened in the built-in PDF viewer of Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. As a workaround, please install the Adobe Acrobat Reader or any other full-featured PDF viewer.


The following command archives reviews with IDs 1, 2 and 8. The archives will be created in the c:/temp/ folder and will contain all revisions of the review materials:

ccollab admin archive 1 8 2 --zip-path c:/temp/ --zip-option all

See Also

Archive Reviews

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