ccollab admin review copy

Applies to Collaborator 13.0, last modified on December 21, 2021


Use this command to create a new review and copy some information (list of participants, custom field values, review materials and so forth) from another review.

Command Line Syntax

ccollab [global-options] admin review copy [--title <value>] <review> [--copy-participants <value>] [--copy-custom-fields <value>] [--copy-participant-custom-fields <value>] [--copy-materials <value>]

Command Options




--title <value>


A title for the new review.



Review to copy data from.

Identifier of the desired review (an integer number), or an ask, or last keyword. Where keywords define the following behaviour:

  • ask - the command will pause execution and prompt for the identifier of the desired review,
  • last - the command will use the last review that was created on the current machine via Command-Line Client (that is, it does not know about reviews created elsewhere).

--copy-participants <value>


Specifies whether to copy participants from the original review. Possible values: y/n/yes/no/true/false/on/off.

--copy-custom-fields <value>


Specifies whether to copy custom fields from the original review. Possible values: y/n/yes/no/true/false/on/off.

--copy-participant-custom-fields <value>


Specifies whether to copy participant custom fields from the original review. Possible values: y/n/yes/no/true/false/on/off.

--copy-materials <value>


Specifies whether to copy review materials from the original review. Possible values: y/n/yes/no/true/false/on/off.


  • Participant roles remain the same as in the original review.
  • Custom field values and participant custom field values remain the same as in the original review.
  • You must be an Administrator to execute this command.


To create a new review and copy participants, custom-fields, participant custom-fields and review materials from the review with ID 12345:

ccollab admin review copy 12345 --title "copy of review 12345" --copy-participants y --copy-custom-fields y --copy-participant-custom-fields y --copy-materials y

See Also

ccollab admin review
Copy Previous Review

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