Rich-text and Markdown formatting is currently supported for the following fields of Web Client:
- comments and defects in the Review Screen,
- comments and defects in the Diff Viewer,
- comments and defects in Reports.
Other clients and exported reports display comments and defects using plain-text representation.
Rich-text formatting
All text fields that support rich-text have a toolbar that allows specifying or changing formatting.

Assigns a pre-defined style to the current paragraph or to selected paragraphs. The following styles are available:
Applies, or clears bold formatting. |
Applies, or clears italic formatting. |
Applies, or clears underlined formatting. |
Applies, or clears numbered list formatting. |
Applies, or clears bullet list formatting. |
Applies, or clears subscript formatting. |
Applies, or clears superscript formatting. |
Applies, or clears strike-out formatting. |
Markdown formatting
Markdown uses special conventions to create formatted text from plain-text. Below is a list of Markdown elements supported by Collaborator.
Headers |
Start a line with a hash character # to apply header formatting. Up to six levels of headings are supported. # Header 1 ## Header 2 ### Header 3 #### Header 4 ##### Header 5 ###### Header 6 |
Bold |
Wrap the text with double asterisk * or underscore _ characters. **This is bold text** __This is bold text too__ |
Italic |
Wrap the text with a single asterisk * or underscore _ character. *This is italic text* _This is italic text too_ |
Inline code |
Wrap the text with a single backquote ` character. This is regular text `and this is inline code` |
Code block |
Prefix your code with four space characters. main( ) { printf("hello, world\n"); } |
Link |
Specify link text wrapped in square brackets [] and then specify link URL wrapped in round brackets (). [Our site](http://example.com) |
Bullet list |
Prefix each line with a single asterisk *, minus - or plus + character. * Bullet item 1 * Bullet item 2 |
Horizontal line |
Insert three asterisk *, dash - or underscore _ characters. *** --- ___ |
To enter specific or literal characters ignoring Markdown formatting, prefix that character with a backslash \ character.
Technical details and limitations
- Message length is limited to 16000 characters (including html tags). Longer messages will be truncated (replaced with “… “);
- Text from clipboard will be pasted as plain text.
See Also
Types of Review Comments and Defects
Review Chats, Comments, and Defects