Issue-Tracking Integrations

Applies to Collaborator 12.3, last modified on December 21, 2021

Collaborator can integrate with any external issue-tracking systems such as JIRA, TeamTrack, Bugzilla, FogBugz and so on. This gives you the possibility to associate issues with reviews and vice versa, hyperlink mentioned issues, move or mirror defects from Collaborator to your issue-tracking system.

The integration saves the time and efforts needed to synchronize your issue-tracking items and Collaborator reviews, and helps you be concentrated on your business tasks rather than on the integration procedures.

In This Section

Issue-Tracking Integrations: Overview

Describes dedicated support for integration with JIRA issue-tracking and Team Foundation Server work item systems, which allows to associate issues with reviews and vice versa, hyperlink mentioned issues, move or mirror defects from Collaborator to your issue-tracking system.

Configuring Issue-Tracking Integrations

Describes how to setup integrations with remote issue-tracking systems supported by Collaborator.

General Approach to Issue-Tracking Integrations

Describes general approach to integration with any issue-tracking system. Integration can be done in several ways depending on your needs.

See Also

Custom Integrations

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