Version 9.5.9501

Applies to Collaborator 12.2, last modified on December 21, 2021

This topic describes the changes made to Collaborator 9.5.9501. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

  • added - configurable polling interval for GitHub integration (COLLAB-1320)

  • added - link to GitHub Pull Request in reviews created from them (COLLAB-1389)

  • added - enhance diff viewer support for COBOL files (COLLAB-1528)

  • fixed - spurious reviews created when GitHub and JIRA integrations simultaneously configured (dependency issue affecting JIRA triggers) (COLLAB-1600)

  • fixed - legacy xmlrpc API support broken in 9.5 (COLLAB-1598)

  • fixed - NullPointerException when editing non-existent review via command line (COLLAB-1557)

  • fixed - PDF file not rendered properly in diff viewer (requires 3rd party library update) (COLLAB-1525)

  • fixed - ensure that duplicate GitHub remote system configurations are not allowed (COLLAB-1377, COLLAB-1603)

  • fixed - allow multi-line values to be passed for custom fields from the command line (COLLAB-1239)

  • fixed - 9.5.9500 breaks client compatibility with some SCMs requiring native libs (e.g. TFS) (COLLAB-1618)

  • fixed - Error while uploading .docx files to review materials (COLLAB-1589)

See Also

Version History

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