Version 7.3.7303

Applies to Collaborator 12.2, last modified on December 21, 2021

This topic describes the changes made to Collaborator 7.3.7303. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

  • added --- Syntax highlighting for .hss, .ss and .ts files

  • added --- Syntax highlighting for ECMA script (.es) files

  • fixed --- Files showing wrong upload order (Case 66561)

  • fixed --- Generic error popup when not allowed to access review (Case 67902)

  • fixed --- missing spaces on Review Screen (Case 67496)

  • fixed --- RTC: Uploading a merged changeset results in incorrect version diff (Case 67862)

  • fixed --- Flat vs compressed tree (Case 62144)

  • fixed --- Next/Prev file button troubles in new version (Case 68084)

  • fixed --- Compact view causes word wrap in chat panel to not work (Case 68589)

  • fixed --- Error editing partially reworked changelist in separate view (Case 68506)

  • fixed --- better error handling for ReviewAccessException (Case 68200)

  • fixed --- Stuck at dancing bear after leaving diff viewer (Case 67949)

  • fixed --- Chat icons not showing in materials section (Case 68184)

  • fixed --- Materials section does not refresh correctly after review event (Case 68382)

  • fixed --- Diff Viewer - Prev/Next buttons do not see next diffs when a comment is made on the first diff(Case 67680)

  • fixed --- Conversation toolbar disappears when you select different line during defect creation (Case 67931)

  • fixed --- Change user agent matcher in to match new Gecko version string (Case 67979)

  • fixed --- Errors after leaving diff viewer before diff is loaded (Case 67949)

  • fixed --- Use ticket instead of user/pass if user/pass is passed in (Case 67749)

  • fixed --- Cannot get electronic signatures to consistently work (Case 66367)

  • fixed --- Enabling electronic signatures adds completed reviews to action items (Case 68587)

  • fixed --- Not using External URL in some places (Case 68153)

  • fixed --- Diff Viewer - Next/Prev Line keyboard shortcuts do not work (Case 68218)

  • fixed --- Diff viewer Add Comment and Add As Defect buttons should be disabled if create not allowed (case 68373)

  • fixed --- Add "external name" to custom defect list reports (Case 56067)

  • fixed --- Error showing new version in diff viewer (Case 68219)

  • fixed --- Diff Viewer - Prev/Next buttons do not see next diffs when a comment is made on the first diff (Case 67680)

  • fixed --- AddVersion(Clearcase) from command line does not work in 7.3 (Case 67726)

  • fixed --- Loading port monitor dll from install directory (case 67338)

See Also

Version History

Highlight search results