Version 5.0.5005

Applies to Collaborator 12.2, last modified on December 21, 2021

This topic describes the changes made to Collaborator 5.0.5005. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

  • (fixes from release 4.0.860)

  • (fixes from release 4.0.859)

  • updated — Manual updated with various new features.

  • added — Filters for users on the user administration screens

  • added — New variable substitutions: defect.isexternal, defect.externalname,, and

  • added — Side by side document review/compare menu working (Case 44443)

  • added — MKS change package and addversions support (Cases 43812, 44416, 44540)

  • added — User preference for tab width (Case 40604)

  • fixed — Company contact information not correct in license files.

  • fixed — Improved page load times for review overview page.

  • fixed — Improved performance of database query builder (Case 45029)

  • fixed — NPE when changing general settings in reviewer.

  • fixed — Review list report displays bogus warning when number of rows exactly equals capped number (Case 44525)

  • fixed — URL's with embedded credentials not properly linked (Case 44958)

  • fixed — create-review trigger argument --review-id-regex <value> should be optional (Case 45091)

  • fixed — Compare list/diff viewer headings need more accurate information when using diffs (Case 44672)

  • fixed — Next file order does not match compressed tree or tree views (Case 45098)

  • fixed — Misleading label for new chat area when reviewing documents or images.

  • fixed — Cannot jump back to current conversation when on a different page of a document (Case 44229)

  • fixed — NPE in GUI client (Case 44914)

  • fixed — Line numbers lost for comments on unchanged deleted files (Case 44819)

  • fixed — NPE when reverting an unsupported file (Case 45092)

  • fixed — Separate multiple changelist description text for readability (Case 44677)

  • fixed — Error messages not cleared in attach changelist/url/file dialogs (Case 44726)

  • fixed — Firefox sometimes incorrectly guesses RSS encoding (Case 45129)

  • fixed — addgitdiffs command now gets more information from git diffs

  • fixed — Unable to remove last item from a multiselect custom field (Case 44379)

  • fixed — Added command to support Perforce changelist renumbering (Case 44978)

  • fixed — Restrict access to fix defect global option does not allow defect creator to fix (Case 45202)

  • fixed — Chat box opens for wrong line of code (Case 45149)

  • fixed — Support ClearCase 7.1 and int'l date formats (Cases 44914, 45122)

  • fixed — Added user state tooltip in the participants section of review overview (Case 43258)

  • fixed — addchangelist with Perforce not uploading correct base content (Case 44577)

  • fixed — Add configuration for server logging.

  • fixed — Workaround for pool users not available.

  • fixed — Home page tab counters not updated when content changes (Case 45238)

  • fixed — Changed default poke notification text (Case 45258)

  • fixed — Corrected timezone for date displays in tables such as the User/Admin screen

  • fixed — String replacements fail with $ (Case 45353)

  • fixed — Support multi-line environment variables (Case 43002)

  • fixed — User subscription should not (appear to) be pre-populated with the first entry (Case 45317)

  • fixed — NPE in content cache diagnostic (Case 45376)

  • fixed — multi-select two panel filter does not display correctly on IE (Case 44352)

  • fixed — respect notification limit in RSS on embedded database (Case 45129)

  • fixed — Text from previous review can appear on new review screen (Case 45324)

  • fixed — AccuRev getting incorrect previous version ( Case 45257)

  • removed — Old-style defect reports -- use new defect reports instead. (Case 45215)

See Also

Version History

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