Version 4.0.841

Applies to Collaborator 12.2, last modified on December 21, 2021

This topic describes the changes made to Collaborator 4.0.841. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

  • added — Command to set custom field dropdowns from the command line (Case 39720)

  • added — Support for GUI client on Solaris (Case 41144)

  • fixed — Change contact email address for licensing issues to the appropriate Smart Bear email address. (Case 41037)

  • fixed — Role configuration admin screen select boxes too wide.

  • fixed — Buttons on Linux displayed even though no SCM selected. (Case 41050)

  • fixed — Clear Case error with Unix paths. (Case 41100).

  • fixed — Server can fail to start if installation path includes a space on Unix.

  • fixed — After changing revisions, Next and Prev buttons stop on differences from prior revision (Case 41001)

  • fixed — GUI client not installed correctly by Linux RPM (Case 41115)

See Also

Version History

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