Version 4.0.835

Applies to Collaborator 12.2, last modified on December 21, 2021

This topic describes the changes made to Collaborator 4.0.835. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

  • added — Add Subversion diffs UI in GUI client

  • added — Add CVS diffs UI in GUI client

  • added — Add Perforce diffs UI in GUI client

  • added — Add StarTeam diffs UI in GUI client

  • added — Add AccuRev diffs UI in GUI client

  • added — Role permission to allow userto modify, but not delete, defects (Case 39630)

  • added — Vault 4.1 support

  • added — Syntax highlighting for TCL

  • added — JMX monitoring of licensing and users

  • added — Peak usage chart of license usage with accurate data

  • added — Browse... button to GUI client SCM dialog

  • added — Track number of rejected logins due to licensing issues (Cases 39775, 39767)

  • added — Integrated support for checking in reviewed materials

  • fixed — improved performance of adding ClearCase versions with addversions and addactivity (Case 38732)

  • fixed — improved performance of review overview screen (Case 39662)

  • fixed — browser integration on OS X (CAse 39690)

  • fixed — partial fix for external diff config manifest issues (Case 39752)

  • fixed — autodetect tf.exe location (Case 39732)

  • fixed — attach materials page missing image (Case 39526)

  • fixed — Names with apostrophes and hyphens are not properly abbreviated (Case 39750)

  • fixed — Optimize/fix adding versions by name (Case 39281)

  • fixed — Do not change the case of mixed-case names when abbreviating

  • fixed — No vertical scrollbar in classic view in IE7 (Case 39830)

  • fixed — Include external diff button for binary files (Case 39754)

  • fixed — User list should not be case sensitive (Case 39869)

  • fixed — Performance improvement; less frequent access to assignments table (Case 39590)

  • fixed — ccollab addchanges fails on Subversion unmodified file after branch (Case 39880)

  • fixed — Bad data causes dump to not restore properly (Case 39623)

  • fixed — Team Foundation script output appearing in version content (Case 39887)

  • fixed — Links in external defects doubly encoded (Case 39921)

  • fixed — Make "private" review field available in reports (Case 39900)

  • fixed — Improve performance of default review reports

  • fixed — Files missing from diff (Case 40002)

  • fixed — Diff view does not reload entire page when options change

  • fixed — Diff view preference for wrap lines not honored in single version view (Case 39885)

  • fixed — Cannot cancel "Track Externally" by choosing "Edit Defect" instead (Case 39073)

  • fixed — Review-only dumps corrupted (Cases 39975, 40060)

  • fixed — Do not log passwords in cleartext on Windows (Case 40010)

  • fixed — Firefox 3 popup calendar sized incorrectly (Case 39723)

  • fixed — Delay review creation so users do not create spurious reviews (Case 40031)

  • fixed — Tomcat logging should be enabled by default at INFO level.

  • fixed — Handle "No Data Given" error parsing spurious TFS properties (Case 39946)

  • fixed — Exception in Perforce trigger when changelist description is empty (Case 40085)

  • fixed — GUI client should explain that it does not support default Perforce changelist (Case 39948)

  • fixed — Filenames with characters outside default character set get garbled (Case 40124)

  • fixed — 'ccollab addchanges' on deleted filenames (Case 39483)

  • fixed — Error parsing Team Foundation dates with DBCS chars (Case 40145)

  • fixed — Performance imrpovement when loading review phases (Case 39860)

See Also

Version History

Highlight search results