JIRA Legacy Integration

Applies to Collaborator 12.0, last modified on December 21, 2021

Collaborator provides support for JIRA, giving you the possibility to create Collaborator reviews from JIRA tickets' linked commits or use JIRA as notification channel.

Note: There are two types of remote system configurations designed to establish integration with JIRA. They are named JIRA and JIRA Legacy. JIRA integration allows you to associate issues with reviews and vice versa, hyperlink mentioned issues, move or mirror defects from Collaborator to your JIRA server. JIRA Legacy integration allows you to create Collaborator reviews from JIRA tickets' linked commits or use JIRA as notification channel. This type of integration was introduced in earlier versions of Collaborator and we recommend that you use "ordinary" JIRA integration instead.

How the Integration Works

The integration means that --

  • You can create JIRA tickets directly from the Collaborator user interface:

    Creating JIRA Tickets From Collaborator

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    Use this functionality to create a JIRA item for your colleagues to remind them to review documents.

    For more information, see Creating JIRA Tickets From Collaborator.

  • You can create Collaborator reviews from within the JIRA item screens:

    Creating Collaborator Reviews From JIRA

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    (The items must have Git or Subversion commits attached via Atlassian FishEye.)

    This feature significantly streamlines the review creation process.

    For more information, see Creating Collaborator Reviews From JIRA.


Atlassian JIRA versions 5-7.

To use the integration features, you need to configure certain settings on your JIRA and Collaborator servers.

Additionally, to be able to create Collaborator reviews from JIRA, you will need to install and configure Atlassian FishEye and install and configure the Collaborator plugin for JIRA.

For detailed information, see Configuring JIRA and Collaborator Servers.

See Also

JIRA Integration

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