General Information

Applies to Collaborator 14.7, last modified on February 04, 2025

The General Information section provides basic information about the project: current status, number of participants, number of reviews and so on.

General Information section of the Project Screen

Click the image to enlarge it.

This section includes the following fields:



Project title

A brief description for the project. The title is used all over the place – in Action Items, in notification emails, to web page titles, and so forth. Titles do not have to be unique in the system; projects already have a unique ID that is assigned by the server.


The date when the project was created and the user who created it. This field is read-only and filled out automatically.


An optional description for the project.

Most of the fields are read-only, unless you are creating a new project. To modify field values, click Edit and make your changes (the changes are saved automatically). When finished, click Done editing to disable the editing mode.

See Also

Project Screen

Highlight search results