This topic describes the changes made to Collaborator 9.1.9101. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.
added - New "First uploaded vs. Last uploaded" option for the Diff Viewer Default Version Comparison setting (COLLAB-841)
added - JSON API: Allow defects and comments to be queried by review/user (COLLAB-840)
added - JSON API protocol implementation for trigger commands (COLLAB-799)
added - Allow pre-configuration of scale parameters during server installation (COLLAB-884)
fixed - Download Client Installers button points to version 8 download page (COLLAB-910)
fixed - Infinite Loading message when clicking Next button in diff viewer (COLLAB-888)
fixed - Mandatory review subscriptions prevent review from moving to completed phase (COLLAB-797)
fixed - Browser launching is broken in all *nix operating systems, including mac for all client apps (COLLAB-603)
fixed - Author receives "Respond to comments" email when all review pool slots are taken and review begins (COLLAB-601)
fixed - AccuRev addchanges fails when getting item transaction (COLLAB-503)
fixed - Blank default start menu folder name for client install (COLLAB-917)
fixed - addhgdiffs command with JSON causes NullPointer exception (COLLAB-886)
fixed - addfiles command does not allow to load "local" files when SCM set to "perforce" (COLLAB-867)