One AQTime "run" is one execution of the application under one profiler. The profiler to be run is set from the dropdown list on the Standard toolbar, just to the right of the Run button:

The dropdown list is actually a treeview. Individual profilers are listed when you open a branch.
One AQTime "run" is one execution of the application under one profiler. The profiler to be run is set from the Profiler dropdown list in the AQTime menu:

One AQTime "run" is one execution of the application under one profiler. The profiler to be run is set in the Current Profiler submenu of the AQTime menu:

AQTime stores the current profiler selection in the project file (.aqt) when you close the project. Next time you open your project in AQTime, the latter will automatically select the profiler, that was active when AQTime was closed.