For easy access, the AQTime item can be added to the Tools menu of Borland Delphi and C++Builder. Once this is done, selecting SmartBear AQTime 8 from the Tools menu in the development tool will launch AQTime, compile the current application with debug information and load it in AQTime. The AQTime installation program automatically adds the SmartBear AQTime 8 menu item to the Tools menu. Below is an explanation of how you can do this manually:
Open your development tool (Delphi or C++Builder).
Select Tools > Configure Tools from Delphi’s (C++Builder’s) main menu to open the Tools Options dialog.
Press Add to open the Tool Properties dialog.
In the dialog:
Specify the file name and path to the AQTime.exe file in the Program edit box. You can either type the name and path or press Browse and locate AQTime.exe on your hard drive using the ensuing Open File dialog.
In the Parameters box, specify the following macros and command-line arguments:
$TDW $EXENAME /searchproject
This will instruct your IDE to launch AQTime by compiling the current program with debug information and then will pass the exe file name and command-line parameters to AQTime.
Type SmartBear AQTime 8 in the Title edit box.
Press OK to close the dialog.
The described approach can be applied to all the versions of Delphi (including Borland Delphi 2005 and Delphi for .NET) and C++Builder.
The described approach will not work for DLL projects. That is, to profile a dynamic link library, you will have to launch AQTime and create a project in it manually.