Troubleshooting Latencies from One Monitoring Location

Last modified on July 26, 2024

There are several methods for identifying a latency problem in a particular monitoring location. Log in to your AlertSite Console and try these strategies:

  • Run the Technical Benchmark Report in order to compare your site with either more of your own sites or other high profile sites on the Internet:

    1. Go to Reports > Performance Reports.

    2. Choose the site or transaction in question from the dropdown.

    3. Under Select, leave the radio button checked for Detail.

    4. Under Include, check the box next to Technical Benchmarks.

      Note: Select Report Details only if you are running a report for 24 hours or less or have long monitoring intervals (> 15 minutes), otherwise the report could not be truncated if it is more than 2500 rows.
    5. Select the Monitoring Location in question.

    6. Select the desired Date Range.

    7. In the Technical Benchmarks section (top right), choose your monitor.

    8. In the Compare to your other monitored site(s) box, choose up to 7 additional sites to compare with your selected site.

    9. Click Create Report.

  • Run a Traceroute from that particular monitoring location:

    AlertSite UXM

    Select a Monitor
    • Click on the Dashboard toolbar.

    • Select a monitor and the location in question.

      Note: You cannot run a traceroute from a DejaURL or DéjàClick Transaction.
    • To run a test immediately, click the Test on Demand radio button.

    • To trigger a production test on your monitored device, click the Run now radio button.

    • Click Run test

    Traceroute a monitor
    Enter a URL

    If you do not have monitors, you can enter a website address to run a test.

    • Click on the Dashboard or Edit Monitor toolbar.

    • Switch to the URL tab.

    • Enter a website address in the Enter a URL field, for example,

    • Select the corresponding monitor type from the Select a Type drop-down list, for example, Web Site.

    • Select the location in question.

    • Click the TCP Traceroute radio button.

    • Enter an email address where you want to send the traceroute output.

    • Click Run test.

    Traceroute a website

    AlertSite 1.0

    1. Go to Support > Site Diagnostics.

    2. Select a Site from the Test Your Device dropdown.

      Note: You cannot run a traceroute from a DejaURL or DéjàClick Transaction. If you are not monitoring any sites, click the radio button next to Test Other URL and enter any website address, for example,; the Type should be Web Site.
    3. In the Select Test section, select the TCP Traceroute test type.

    4. Choose the Location in question.

    5. Enter an email address where you want to send the traceroute output.

    6. Click Submit in the upper right.

    7. Check your email for the traceroute output.

  • Run a Test On Demand for your DejaURL or DéjàClick Transaction:

    AlertSite UXM

    • Click on the Dashboard or Edit Monitor toolbar.

    • Select a DéjàClick monitor from the Select a Monitor dropdown.

      If you do not have DéjàClick monitors, switch to the URL tab, enter a website address, for example,, and select Web Site from the drop-down list.

    • Select the location in question from the Select a Location dropdown.

    • Click the Test on Demand radio button.

    • Click Run test.

    • Examine the Detail Report (the link at the bottom center) and Fullpage Report (the blue and green horizontal bar chart in the thumbnail).

    AlertSite 1.0

    • Go to Support > Site Diagnostics.

    • Select a DejaURL or DéjàClick Transaction from the Test Your Device dropdown.

    • In the Select Test section, select the Test On Demand test type.

    • Choose the Location in question.

    • Click Submit in the upper right.

    • The Test On Demand screen will appear and run your test.

    • Examine the Detail Report (link at the bottom center) and Fullpage Report (blue and green horizontal bar chart in the thumbnail).

  • Analyze your site's Diagnostic Details to see what IP numbers you are directed to and if there are any errors you may not be aware of:

    • Go to Reports > Performance Reports.

    • Choose the site or transaction in question from the dropdown.

    • Run a Detail Report and include Report Details.

    • Select the Monitoring Location in question.

    • Select the desired Date Range.

    • View the HTML- formatted report and select one of the measurements that is showing latency.

    • Click on the Diagnostics Icon (small multicolor bar chart) in the left column of the measurement line.

    • Analyze the report for the IP numbers we are resolving to as well as any returned error information from your server.

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