Tips And Tricks

Last modified on January 24, 2025

Important Tip: Many first-time users do not realize that when DéjàClick is recording, it is sometimes affected by what you do in all of your other browser windows and tabs. Also, if you attempt to interact with the browser during replay, you may interfere with its operation and confuse DéjàClick while it is trying to listen for the browser events it is playing back.

Bottom Line: Please do not tend to other browser tasks such as playing online games, an so on, while recording or replaying a script or Super Bookmark, as it may interfere with operation. To be safe, always click to end recording or replay before doing other things.

Configuration Tip: The Notify when Complete option of the Quick Settings drop-down menu toggles on or off displaying the Record Complete or Replay Complete notifications. Disabling of this option disables notification prompts for the following events:

  • Playback Stopped
  • Playback Complete
  • Recording Complete
  • Recording Incomplete

In addition, only the above listed notifications are affected; all other user prompting and notifications remain unchanged.

If replay does not complete: Try enabling the Simulate New Visitor option first, then re-record. This option is useful when recording sites that rely heavily on the previous state of browser cookies and cache, or if a user name and password are required to login and you have the Firefox password manager option enabled.

The Simulate New Visitor option is available as a Quick Settings option under the Configure Options () toolbar menu button, and also on the Record tab of the DéjàClick Options dialog.

If used, this option should be enabled before beginning the recording, and then reset (cleared) back to its default setting after recording is complete.

Keyword Tip: Keywords can be added during replay, not just during recording. To do so, click whenever DéjàClick is paused during replay. If you need to add multiple keywords, you can automatically pause replay by stepping through your script one action or page at a time. To do this, click the down arrow next to and select Replay Next Action, then click after you have added your keywords for the page and are ready to advance to the next action or page.

Adding Keywords after the fact: You may add, edit, and remove keywords manually by using the DéjàClick Properties sidebar: click on the toolbar, then expand the tree elements, click on the Action (or Event) and open the Keyword Validations property panel to modify.

Hover Events:DéjàClick adds Hover events to a recording only when it determines they may be required to ensure successful replay. The decision to add Hover events is based upon a complex set of algorithms, but a few of the rules include:

  • Does the page item have have onMouse event triggers?

  • Was an Event's target page item a static part of the page, or was it added to the page dynamically after the page was loaded?

  • Does the page item required multiple roll-overs to recreate the same dynamic objects as the original recording, and so on.

In most cases, DéjàClick gets these calculations right, but in certain situations, the Replay Advisor may be required to adjust the script to ignore a useless hover event. This might occur, for example, if you click on a page item prior to the page fully loading (there is a red or green indicator at the bottom-right side of the DéjàClick status bar to indicate when it is safe to proceed).

Web Content Changes: While replaying a recorded script, there are instances where DéjàClick waits for web content changes, even though nothing has changed in the front end since the time the script was recorded. The DéjàClick status bar shows “Pausing for web content changes” during this instance, typically resulting in a timeout. You can override (that is, turn off) content change detection in three different ways:

  1. At the System level:

    • On the DéjàClick Toolbar, select  > DéjàClick Options.

    • Switch to the Replay tab.

    • Switch to the Advances Display Level.

    • Expand the Content Changes section and clear the Use recorded content change hints check box.

    • Click OK.

  2. At the Script level:

    • In the Properties sidebar, switch to the Advanced Display Level.

    • Expand the Content Changes section and clear the Use recorded content change hints check box.

    • Click Apply.

  3. At the Event level:

    • In the Properties sidebar, switch to the Advanced Display Level.

    • Expand the Content Changes section and clear the Use recorded content change hints check box.

    • Click Apply.

Keep in mind that Replay Advisor automatically adjusts any content change issues during replay. Manually overriding Content Changes for the entire script (or all scripts) is usually not recommended since the option helps assist DéjàClick in determining when to start the next event.

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