Simulate New User

Last modified on January 24, 2025

When you visit websites in a browser, it saves cookies from those sites and also caches some resources and images so that they do not need to be downloaded during repeat visits. Cached data and cookies may create issues during recording and playback, for example, the website may appear or behave differently on repeat visits.

To ensure stable recording and playback, DéjàClick provides the Simulate New Visitor option. Use this option when:

  • A successful replay of a particular website requires simulating a "new visitor" experience.

  • You are recording a business transaction for a replay with AlertSite's global monitoring platform.

Enable or disable "Simulate New Visitor"

You can enable or disable the Simulate New Visitor option before recording scripts. The option state will be saved as part of the recorded script and will also have effect during script playback.

DéjàClick 2.0

Click on the DéjàClick toolbar and select or unselect Simulate New Visitor.

'Simulate New Visitor' option

DéjàClick 1.x

Click  Configure Options on the DéjàClick toolbar and select or unselect Simulate New Visitor.

'Simulate New Visitor' option

Advanced options

By default, the Simulate New Visitor option does the following before recording and playback:

  • Clear browser cache.
  • Hide cookies (they remain in the browser but will not have effect during recording or playback).

You can also select additional types of cached content to clear:

  1. In DéjàClick 2.x, click on the toolbar and select Options.

    In DéjàClick 1.x, click  Configure Options on the toolbar and select DéjàClick Options.

  2. Change Display Level to Advanced.

  3. On to the Record tab, expand the Simulate New Visitor category.

  4. Select the desired options:

    • Hide Existing Cookies

      How it works

    • Clear Browser Cache

      How it works

    • Clear Form Data

      How it works

    • Clear Passwords
    • Clear Certificates
    • Clear Local Storage
    • Clear File Systems
    • Clear App Cache
    • Clear IndexedDB
    • Clear WebSQL
    • Clear Plugin Data
  5. Click Apply to save the changes.

Now, when you record new scripts, the state of the above-mentioned options will be saved as part of the script so that the browser settings can be temporarily reconfigured each time the script is replayed.

See Also

Configuring Scripts

Highlight search results