List Monitors (XML API)

Last modified on January 24, 2025

The List Monitors operation has two versions:

  • Version 1.0 returns the following monitor types: Web URL, API endpoint, email, FTP, TCP, DNS, ping.

  • Version 1.1 returns all monitors and lets you filter the returned list by specific monitor types.

In both cases, the first call needs to be to Login to get a session ID.

Request URL


Request Body

Version 1.0



Version 1.1

To enable V1.1 functionality, add the <APIVersion>1.1</APIVersion> tag to your XML request body, as shown below.

V1.1 supports an additional <DeviceFilter> tag, which specify the monitors types to return. In this example, we request only secure website, ServerAgent, and DéjàClick monitors. To return all monitors, omit the <DeviceFilter> tag and its contents.



DeviceFilter Values

<DeviceFilter> supports the following values. Separate multiple values with commas.

Value Description
DEV_SA ServerAgents
DEV_SEC Security scans
EMAIL_IMAP Email (IMAP) server monitors
EMAIL_POP Email (POP) server monitors
EMAIL_ROUNDTRIP Round-trip email monitors
EMAIL_SMTP Email (SMTP) server monitors
NET_DNS DNS monitors
NET_FTP FTP monitors
NET_FTPS FTP over SSL monitors
NET_PING Ping monitors
NET_TCP TCP monitors
SITE_HTTP Website monitors
SITE_SSL Secure website monitors
TXN_DEJA DéjàClick monitors
TXN_HTTP HTTP monitors
TXN_SSL SSL monitors
TXN_SOAP SoapUI monitors

Response Body


   <Message>No errors.</Message>
      <TxnName>Device 1</TxnName>
      <TxnName>Device 2</TxnName>

See Also

Add Monitor
Edit Monitor
Get Monitor
Delete Monitor
Get Monitor Status
Get Plans
AlertSite XML API

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