Profiler Toolbar - Performance Profiler Items

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

The Performance profiler includes a number of settings that affect the result display. You can find them on the ProfilerProfilerProfiler toolbar that is displayed at the top of the Report panel that is displayed at the top of the Report panel. If the toolbar is hidden, right-click somewhere in the toolbar area and select Profiler from the subsequent popup list.

Note: The items of the Profiler toolbar work with profiling results. When you click an item, AQTime refreshes data in its panels. For information on the profiler settings that work during profiling and specify what data the profiler collects, see Performance Profiler Options.

The Performance profiler adds the following items to the Profiler toolbar:

Counter unit This item is enabled only if the Active Counter option is either Elapsed Time, User Time or User+Kernel Time. The Counter unit item lets you specify the measurement unit for the time columns in AQTime panels. Possible values are Seconds, Milliseconds, Microseconds and Machine Cycles. Note that this option is counter-specific: suppose you browse results of the User Time counter and set the option to Machine Cycles. If you open the Elapsed Time results, change the option to Seconds and then return back to the User Time results, AQTime will automatically change the option to Machine Cycles (that is, it will select the value that was active when you browsed the User Time results last time).
Show non-hit routines Enables or disables the display, in the Report panel, of profiled methods that have not been executed in the current profile run.
Calculate "% with children" relative to real values If this is enabled, % with Children is figured relative to the total Time (without children). Otherwise, relative to the total Time with Children. See Calculating Percent in the Report Panel. Note that this option does not influence the existing profiling results.
 Include routine body in Details Sets whether the results for each routine’s own-code (“body”) will be listed along with the child-call results in the Children table of the Details panel.

This option also affects the values displayed in percent columns (% Time, % with Children, % Misses, % Branches and others). To display routine body results, AQTime adds a new row to the Children panel, which changes the percent columns’ values, since they depend on the number of rows.

Routine name with class name If this option is enabled, the Routine Name column of the Report, Details and Call Tree panels for the Performance profiler holds both class name and routine name. Else, this column holds the routine name only.
File names with path If this option is enabled, the Source File and Module Name columns of the Report, Details and Call Tree panels for the Performance profiler hold the entire path to the given file. Else, these columns hold the file name only.
The value of this option is ignored when you export test results via the ExportCurrentResults or Start method of the IntegrationManager object used to automate AQTime via COM. The exported results always show the fully-qualified paths to the source and module files.

See Also

Performance Profiler - Overview
Performance Profiler Options
Performance Profiler Results

Highlight search results