Allocation Profiler

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

The Allocation profiler traces the memory use in 32-bit and 64-bit applications during the application run. It also helps you determine whether allocated memory blocks or objects remain in memory after the application execution is over.

The topics of this section provide detailed information about the Allocation profiler.

General Information

Allocation Profiler - Overview

Provides a general overview of the Allocation profiler.

Allocation Profiler Options

Describes the options that allow you to customize the Allocation profiler’s functionality.


Allocation Profiler Tutorial

Walk through this tutorial to get started with the Allocation profiler.

Allocation Profiler Results

Allocation Profiler Results - Overview

Provides a brief description of results generated by the Allocation profiler.

Allocation Profiler - Results of the Classes Data Category

Describes the structure of results that are grouped under the Classes Data category.

Allocation Profiler - Results of the Objects Category

Describes the structure of results that are grouped under the Objects category

Allocation Profiler Panels Reference

Describes the structure of Allocation profiler results displayed in the Report, Call Tree and Details panels.

Common Tasks

Filtering Results

Describes how to filter profiling results and hide leaks that are of no interest for the analysis (such as leaks produced by standard libraries and IDEs).

Viewing Call Stacks

Describes how to view call stacks in AQTime.

Tracing System Memory Management Functions

Describes how to trace functions that allocate or deallocate memory.

Checking Bounds of Memory Blocks

Describes how to check whether an application writes to addresses that are out of bounds of an allocated memory block.

Tracing Attempts to Access Released Memory

Describes how to trace attempts to access released memory.

Reduce the Amount of Collected Allocation Data

Contains recommendations on how to reduce the amount of collected profiling results.

Specifics of Analyzing Applications With the Allocation Profiler

Allocation Profiler - Analyzing Visual C++ Applications

Describes the specifics of profiling Visual C++ applications.

Allocation Profiler - Analyzing Visual Basic 6.0 Applications

Describes the specifics of profiling Visual Basic applications.

Allocation Profiler - Analyzing Delphi Applications

Describes the specifics of profiling Delphi applications.

Allocation Profiler - Analyzing C++Builder Applications

Describes the specifics of profiling C++Builder applications.

Allocation Profiler - Analyzing Intel C++ and Borland C++ Applications

Describes the specifics of profiling Intel C++ and Borland C++ applications.

Related Topics of Interest

Profiling .NET Applications - Specifics

Describes the specifics of profiling .NET applications with AQTime.

Search for Memory Leaks

Provides a general scheme of finding memory leaks with the Allocation profiler.

Find Memory Block Violations

Explains how to search for memory block violations.

Trace References Between Objects

Describes how you can trace references between objects in managed applications.

Allocation Profiler Results - Database Structure

Describes the structure of Allocation profiler results exported to a database.

Viewing Allocation Profiler Results in Real Time

Describes how you can display information on existing class instances and memory blocks in real time.

See Also

AQTime Profilers

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